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  1. bored&stroked

    Blaster 2 questions

    For $50 I'd put the right head and gasket myself. stock heads are dam near free. All you did was basically make a factory 62T 701 but used the wrong head and bigger carbs.
  2. bored&stroked

    Blaster 2 questions

    You are running an 84mm bore cylinder head on 81mm bores? What head gasket? Seems like that would be a problem. Carb theory would also dictate it would require a change in jetting somehow. Your moving 50cc less air per rev and applying a different amount of vaccum signal.
  3. bored&stroked

    Wax exhaust like B pipe

    Judging by past posts and facebook, this is like asking which brand of oil is best. You'll get a lot of conflicting answers. Some people love it. Some people hate it. People have had great luck. People have had terrible luck. Enjoy!
  4. bored&stroked

    Mixing Gas

    If I leave my jetskis outside in the summer they get too hot to put my hand on the engine without even running them.
  5. bored&stroked

    Mixing Gas

    Or you can just move to phoenix and it will dry out by the time you get home lol
  6. bored&stroked

    Mixing Gas

    I like to mix 91 octane gas with 100LL avgas. Oil? Pour it in. Riding will shake it plenty.
  7. bored&stroked

    Blaster Quick Steer Mod?

    I know, I'm digging deep on this one. But I'm curious, anyone know what this mod was?
  8. bored&stroked

    WTB- VXR650/WB1 midshaft

    Got one.
  9. bored&stroked

    62t swapped SN

    Run both outlets to a T and have the T's single line feed the pipe if you want stock. I've never ran a stock 61x exhaust unless the entire setup was stock, but on any other pipe I just run one pisser to the pipe and the other strait out the ski.
  10. bored&stroked

    WTB- VXR650/WB1 midshaft

    I've read that as well, but then when I lookup part numbers they don't match for some reason. Edit: actually that ad even says this shaft won't work on regular VXR's as they had longer driveshafts with shorter midshafts lol
  11. bored&stroked

    WTB- VXR650/WB1 midshaft

    Building a blaster. Parted out a raider so I have a nice midshaft bearing, but the shaft is too long for the blaster. Apparently 94-95 650 VXR's used the same size. Trying not to spend $125 for a new shaft.
  12. bored&stroked

    93 Wave Blaster build up

    Can't with the pipe. Notice the exit of the pipe is in the rear compartment, which is where it sits with the motor bolted in. I'd have to run no waterbox or some kind of aftermarket setup perhaps to use the oem outlet.
  13. bored&stroked

    93 Wave Blaster build up

    With that out of the way, the next step is the raider rear waterbox. Removing the foam from the left side was a massive, overwhelming pain the ass. But I got it done and cleaned up nice.. Of course then I went to eye ball the rear exhaust outlet I'll need to install, and realized I have to...
  14. bored&stroked

    93 Wave Blaster build up

    I decided to document my build up over the summer of this 93 blaster. I have an all stock 61x setup in a 94 blaster, and it runs great. I wanted more power, but with mostly oem parts. So I decided I was going to build a blaster using a stock 760 pipe. The 760 pipe uses a much nicer exhaust...
  15. bored&stroked

    Question for the ski retirees

    I got caught in a storm on the lake once, came out of nowhere. I was on a yamaha raider...nice fairly stable sit down. Waves got big. My buddy whos upper 50's/lower 60's was on his sxr800. We both booked it back to camp, and he was staying right with me while I had this raider pinned. I could...
  16. bored&stroked

    Super Jet OEM Temp Sensor Wire Harness, Bilge Pump Power Supply Conversion

    Yeah, we do. That's the point of a discussion forum. This isn't even your thread.
  17. bored&stroked

    Super Jet OEM Temp Sensor Wire Harness, Bilge Pump Power Supply Conversion

    They are not emergency things for me, just dealing with normal water intrusion.
  18. bored&stroked

    WB1 61x head gasket?

    2 strokes are finicky, if you really did collapse the ring land as JC mentioned and you keep running it, you could loose the piston eventually and kill more parts.
  19. bored&stroked

    WB1 61x head gasket?

    Air in cooling line is a clear head gasket. Could be from hard parts warpage, could just be a bad gasket. You can try slapping a new one in there and see what happens, or you can use this as an excuse to big bore it to 84mm and have it ported while its out..... :D
  20. bored&stroked

    Ada head with 33cc domes Yami 701 *SOLD*

    Used this head setup since 2014 but changed setup and no longer need. Needs new o-rings otherwise its good to go. $160 shipped.
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