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  1. smoofers

    Stock cdi spark, new msd no spark

    No spark when cranking, then spark after letting off the start button is the classic symptom of a dead MSD Enhancer. I'd try to return it if possible.
  2. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    My daughter is turning 5 in 2 weeks and my son will be 3 in the first week of May. Our families are 4 hours away in different directions. We definitely have our hands full.
  3. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    Sadly nothing worth reporting at the moment. I've been swamped at work and so has my wife. Add two kids in the mix and it has left zero time lately for me to make much progress. I WILL finish it... someday, lol.
  4. smoofers

    Does anyone have any experience from upgrading from a 60T to a 60T-10 Exhaust Ring Joint on a GP1200R?

    The only thing that takes 5-10 mins to swap out on a GPR is the battery! I have a customer's GPR in my backyard right now that I'm dreading working on. I've had the motor out of this ski twice over a 10 year span and each time I work on it I tell myself never again. Props to you for wanting...
  5. smoofers

    Bed hauler

  6. smoofers

    New Prowatercraft Racing SC (Super Chicken) Ride Plate and Pump Stuffer

    New, never installed Prowatercraft Racing SC ride plate and pump stuffer $300 shipped +pp fees (if not f&f). This is a savings of at least $75!!!
  7. smoofers

    Anyone sell a block off kit for leak down testing?

    Make your own. Use 1/8 or 3/16" rubber sheet off Amazon. I have a a set for every type of motor I've worked on.
  8. smoofers

    SN Superjet fix and improve build

    The bond line definitely needs to be sealed.
  9. smoofers

    SN Superjet fix and improve build

    that's pretty much the ticket. You can't get every last little bit. Do the best you can and make sure the areas you're going to epoxy or seal to are clean and bare glass. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  10. smoofers

    SN Superjet fix and improve build

    Looking good!!!! You already defoamed!!!! That's a huge chunk of work already behind you!
  11. smoofers

    SN Superjet fix and improve build

    Looks good. Don't be afraid. After you make that first cut the fear goes away. If you screw it up, it's nothing that can't be fixed with epoxy and fiberglass.
  12. smoofers

    1995 Yamaha Superjet CUSTOM -SOLD-

    I can't believe this hasn't sold yet. $3500 for a fully rebuilt ski like this is an insanely good deal.
  13. smoofers

    New to me 93 square nose

    You should be able to get it in there without removing much besides the coupler cover. Just make sure you sand the spot where the screen will be epoxied with 60 grit and then clean with acetone before you epoxy it down.
  14. smoofers

    Super chicken on floating jet port

    It's doable but there's a catch. In order to get the SC onto the port, you'll need some momentum. However, the contact point on the SC hull is super weak and will most likely crack after a few successful docks. I'd recommend reinforcing the inside/outside of the hull if you want to keep it...
  15. smoofers

    What killed the forum? How can it be revived?

    I don't think the forum is killed, far from it. There's quite a few hardcore members on here that prefer the X over facebook and for good reason. Facebook is the absolute worst for ski advice. You'll have 50 wrong answers to a question, with the one right answer from a knowledgeable dude who...
  16. smoofers

    Home made Chin pad

    Excellent work. I'm curious how you mounted it.
  17. smoofers

    PSA: Check your fCV Springs!

    Good tip. Any idea if you can get replacement ball & spring?
  18. smoofers

    Crank seal grease

    Or just a paper towel. You shouldn't need any thinner if you wipe it while it's still wet.
  19. smoofers

    Crank seal grease

    Yes, you only need it on one half and a very thin layer. I'll usually spread it around uniformly with my finger.
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