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  1. smoofers

    Is it bad to call someone out for selling something you know is trash.

    Some just flat out don't care? There's also some that make a living off of parting out jet skis... and it seems like a large portion of them (not all) are just terrible blood sucking creatures.
  2. smoofers


    Did this ever sell? I'm interested in the pole possibly...
  3. smoofers

    Smoofers' Super Chicken Build (Mostly Complete)

    No timing advance plate installed. I wouldn't recommend one in tandem with an Enhancer either.
  4. smoofers

    Do you like the site changes?

    I do miss seeing people's info without having to hover over their names
  5. smoofers

    SN waterbox leaking

    I've got a sn waterbox if you need it
  6. smoofers

    Sbn pop off

    I was going to say, I've never had good luck with SBT N&S sets. Mikuni is the only way to go.
  7. smoofers

    WTB: SuperJet SJ Gas Tank & RN or SN SuperJet Waterbox Exhaust

    Well I'm glad he's a good friend, because you are definitely not making any on this site with your posting behavior.
  8. smoofers

    WTB: SuperJet SJ Gas Tank & RN or SN SuperJet Waterbox Exhaust

    Thanks. nothing better than a new member coming in trying to undercut a good deal from an established member and site supporter.
  9. smoofers

    WTB: SuperJet SJ Gas Tank & RN or SN SuperJet Waterbox Exhaust

    I’ve got a stock SN waterbox. $100 shipped
  10. smoofers

    2008 Superjet (Basketcase part2)

    Wow. Nothing more frustrating than pure neglect. Good luck with the rebuild.
  11. smoofers

    Ski falls on FACE. Need Assistance!

    Did you replace the needle arm in the carbs? If it isn't adjusted properly, the diaphragm on the square side of the carbs can hold the needle open when you bolt the diaphragm cover back on. Something else to check if Quinc's suggestion doesn't help.
  12. smoofers

    New Engine, Running Issues

    Everybody else beat me to it. Try lowering your pop-off a few PSI.
  13. smoofers


    Yeah.. you kinda do, if they buy a Cayenne...
  14. smoofers


    If you wan't something sketchy, scary and fun... look for at old flat bottom jet boat or v-drive. I used to come across them all the time on craigslist when I lived in Houston. They usually had a blown motor or one that needed work but they'd sell for $5k or less. They can easily hit 100 mph...
  15. smoofers

    Super Jet Left Handed Throttle

    I would assume you could take a finger throttle with an adjustable lever angle (like the old TBM lever) and flip it over to the left side? The angle adjustment would let you dial it in to work for you.
  16. smoofers

    Can someone tell me what this is ?

    You shouldn't really need it if you are replacing the seals and bearing. The midshaft bearing is sealed, so the grease only lubes the seals. I'd grease up the new seals really well after installing them and then cap the line. If you really want the ability to grease the seals post assembly...
  17. smoofers

    Yuasa agm battery

    Sub'd just to keep this thread in my history!
  18. smoofers

    Smoofers' Super Chicken Build (Mostly Complete)

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Pretty cool that Mark Gomez used my graphics scheme for his wife’s super chicken.
  19. smoofers

    1995 Yamaha Superjet Resto-Mod

    If you don't need it as a cooling bypass and if Harry said nothing about it, throw a 1/8 NPT plug in there and send it.
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