Nothing crazy, but I did make myself a new shop stand for the superjet. My old one was like a foot off the floor and working on it was killing my back. Now it's at a nice level to work on while standing up straight.
Slowest build ever.
Between the last update and now, we've had a second child, I got laid off, got a new job and have been busy as hell. Now that the new little man is 11 months old and my daughter is 3 I have a few hours a week I can actually spend on the ski.
Got her sanded and ready for the...
I have a shaft I pulled out of my SN. I replaced it because there was some slight pitting on the sealing lip surfaces. I'm pretty sure it still seals fine, but I was building a new pump with a Solas mag stator and figured I'd go with a new shaft. PM me an offer.
I know other guys are building 750 swapped chickens with single 46 or dual 44s etc. But... My setup just freaking rips. I feel zero need to change anything.
I haven't been to a Daytona ride yet, but it is funny that last year In late Dec/early Jan I had a horrible flu like sickness that lasted about 4 days. I still wonder if I got the Rona too at that time.
That looks like the Hull Tem had sitting on the ground behind the Xscream booth at world finals in 2010. I remember having a conversation with him about it and he had just made that new carbon pole. I remember the swoops and the color, and the pole was a bit twisty. Tem had remarked that the...
Also be aware that the can is only ~3/4 full. It's not as much solvent as you would expect. Better option is the PSC 1000 at Tractor supply for $44
I ended up buying the cleaner below. Definitely Chinese made but has worked very well and I've already put 15+ hours on it. It has a built in heater too, but the ultrasonic action alone will also heat the water fairly well...
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