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  1. smoofers

    Ryobi high pressure inflator review

    I bought one of these this summer for the kids' pool. It is an AMAZING little inflator.
  2. smoofers

    Factory b pipe repair question

    Don't know how much of a nub you have left, but I got some Vampliers a while back and they are AMAZING! They've got super hard teeth in a curved profile specifically for extracting stripped or broken bolts. Even if they don't work on your pipe screw you'll never regret buying them...
  3. smoofers

    Good tires cheap...

    MIchelin LTX M/S are just about the best tires I've ever owned. Quiet, great grip, great longevity and suprisingly good off road. You'll never regret buying a set.
  4. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    I sanded that coat of filler and laid some more, since I broke through to foam in a few spots. The right foot hold area was low so I added some filler to it. After that I sanded the heck out of the tray area to get everything flat. The only pic I have is with my son standing in the tray. Made...
  5. smoofers

    Super jet gas leaking from my handle pole wtf?

    @Danna, if you are in Dallas, there's a huge stand up rider presence in the metroplex. I know one of us would be willing to help you out. I'd volunteer but I'm almost 2 hours away. Check out the "North TX Standup Jetski Riders" group on Facebook, plenty of people on that page that are local...
  6. smoofers

    144 Solas Mag Pump rebuild help!

    A good rule of thumb for natural rubber and basic elastomers is to not heat them up past 185F or you can start to degrade the mechanical properties. Generally synthetics can go higher, but 185F will keep you safe.
  7. smoofers

    144 Solas Mag Pump rebuild help!

    The gap is intentional. The interference fit holds the bearing in place, the clips are essentially just a locator and backup.
  8. smoofers

    Exhaust Question

    Dude. Reeds. You're shooting fuel/air mix out the carbs. Pull the intake.
  9. smoofers

    Exhaust Question

    It could definitely be bad reeds. I had a customer bring his ski back to me recently. I rebuilt it 7 years ago ('01 GP1200r). It had sat for 5 years and needed a complete fuel system refresh. I ultrasonic cleaned the carbs, replaced all fuel lines, rebuilt the carbs with mikuni oem kits and...
  10. smoofers

    Minimal Ingredient Awesome Food Ideas

    A great main dish that my wife and I made up is Chicken with tomato basil sauce. Pound your chicken breasts to thin them out so they cook evenly. Generously season each side of the breasts with kosher salt and ground black pepper. Refrigerate for a minimum of 20 minutes. Take roughly 16-24...
  11. smoofers

    Help identifying what's been done.

    Yep, all you need for aftermarket couplers is the larger shaft.
  12. smoofers

    Help identifying what's been done.

    The '90-'93 SJs used a 6R7-51323-01-00 shaft, which is no longer made. Everything '94+ uses a 6R7-51323-02-00 shaft.
  13. smoofers

    Help identifying what's been done.

    It depends on how much you want to spend. The quickest way to get back on the water is to replace with a used OEM coupler. If you want to go with aftermarket couplers, you'll need a new (or used) '94+ midshaft too. The '90-'93 superjets have a smaller diameter thread on the midshaft than '94...
  14. smoofers

    Fuel Delivery issue (I’ve tried just about everything)

    Do you have one or two pulse lines on your crankcase? Does each carb have a fuel pump?
  15. smoofers

    Atv help

    I'd open up your carb and check your idle jet (pic below) and use a thin wire to make absolutely sure all the holes are clear. Your issue sounds exaclty like an idle jet that is not clean.
  16. smoofers

    Chris Williams

    You have to have 5 posts on X-h2o before you can send private messages. FYI
  17. smoofers

    SN Superjet Parts

    I'd do $65 shipped. Shoot me a pm
  18. smoofers

    SN Superjet Parts

    If Jetskidude1113 doesn't have one, I have the one I pulled out of my square nose.
  19. smoofers

    Jet Maniac

    You need at least 5 posts. After 5, it might still take an hour or so for your account priveledges to update.
  20. smoofers

    one cylinder only problem

    You might have a damaged reed petal(s).
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