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  1. smoofers

    Super Jet SN build, Rocker, Chopped rear, this website made me do it!

    Glad to see this project is still going! Excellent work on the foot holds!
  2. smoofers

    Ultrasonic Cleaner

    I would be careful with purple power or other strong substances in an ultrasonic when cleaning aluminum. They can eat away aluminum pretty quickly and do more harm than good. I'd recommend Simple Green Aircraft & Precision Cleaner, diluted 3:1 with distilled water.
  3. smoofers

    Super Jet rockered fixed steer superjet build thread

    Johnson's Paste Wax works really well as a release agent.
  4. smoofers

    701 Rebuild Threebond around Crank seals?

    P80 makes various water-based assembly style lubricants. What makes most of their products unique is that they dry and no longer lubricate at that point. I've spec'd out their P80 Thix for lubricating O-rings that are in permanent deformation scenarios, where I want the O-ring lubricated for...
  5. smoofers

    Bondrail underside tips and tricks???

    Would it be possible to post a pic of your sanding block?
  6. smoofers

    Back From the Dead - Yamaha FX-2

    Who makes that tank? Looking spiffy!
  7. smoofers

    VIN plate

    @Balduccimoto or @RutlandRacing were doing them I think.
  8. smoofers

    Parenting is fun

    We have that exact same jeep. Was free at the end of a neighbor's driveway. I snatched it up and then put a jet ski battery in it. My kids love it and it's still going strong. Way cheaper than buying a new one!
  9. smoofers

    Hardware and Inserts, Dissimilar Metals

    In my professional career as an engineer, I consider red loctite only suitable for use on parts that will be deemed scrap if they are disassembled.
  10. smoofers

    Happy Birthday BIG Kahuna!!!

    Happy birthday BK!
  11. smoofers

    Need some advice, cutting SN tray out...

    When I started defoaming my SN, the majority of my foam was bone dry... until I got to about the level of the driveshaft tube. Turns out both of my intake grate front inserts were leaky and the foam all around that area was soaking wet. Also, any tray floor I've ever witnessed removed from the...
  12. smoofers

    Back From the Dead - Yamaha FX-2

    That head pipe looks amazing.
  13. smoofers

    Return of the Lone Star Freeride!

    I would love to make this ride, however my stand up is still in pieces. If I can come I'd probably bring the superchicken.
  14. smoofers

    Built the kids powerwheels into a boat.

    Really cool project. I would recommend putting PFDs on your kids though....
  15. smoofers

    Used Superjet B pipe

    FYI that's a 650 chamber.
  16. smoofers

    Custom/Hybrid Rockered superchicken winter project

    <iframe src="" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
  17. smoofers

    Custom/Hybrid Rockered superchicken winter project

    Definitely reinforce the entire hull. Especially the seat hinge area after what happened to the last chicken. Can't wait to see the progress.
  18. smoofers

    RIP augustaf

    So sad to hear. I never met him personally but learned a lot from his posts.
  19. smoofers

    Back From the Dead - Yamaha FX-2

    For the pump shoe, Is it the the fork part bottoming out, or the thicker part that meets up with the pump? As for the ride plate mount, you could make a new one with the two hull mounting holes in front of the ride plate bolt to shorten the mount away from the cable holder. Something like this:
  20. smoofers

    Brapp's 1987 Toyota 4Runner Build

    Dude, love the mud flaps. I still can't get over the license plate> It's so hilarious and perfect at the same time. So pitted...
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