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  1. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    Back on the water. For anyone wondering these are edge/FS2 style holds
  2. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    Lots of room fortunately, already got them off the ski on the bench ready to pop some holes. Contemplating blasting one in just below or where I've marked, regardless a minimum of 10mm is needed for the pad and the hydroturf is definetly thicker than rickter turf. Where I've marked is about as...
  3. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    returfed my fS2 in the off-season and added another 10mm plush underpaid in the tray but now i can't open my holds up to kick in far enough. I'm definetly not the first guy to ad more underpad on a rickter so I'm wondering what everyone's doing to get more room? Drill out the hold mounting holes...
  4. Lumberjack

    Superjet Porpoise with video link

    3 seconds in and I can tell your standing st the back of the tray with straight ish kegs. Get those bars down and your head over the bars and hood
  5. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    SJ is bone stock under the hood but the rickter is piped. Both little 701s but enough to have a good time.
  6. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    Hoping to go for the first ride of the year Dive boots and gloves won't be optional
  7. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    I I think I'll be adding some straps!
  8. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    Thanks for the reply. Yea I figure it's worth the extra insurance. Few holes doesn't scare. Me!
  9. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    I hear the Rickter hoods aren't known to pop because of there shape but does anyone run hood straps as extra insurance? Where do you mount your front straps? Under the hood hooks? Pole bracket bolts? or drilling fresh holes. Thanks
  10. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    Yes it was minus 28c last week here. Calling for plus 17 this weekend. New atp risers for my SJ. Im stoked to ride but the rivers still half frozen and there's 5 feet of ice on the lakes but im ready to party
  11. Lumberjack

    SJ waterbox delete

    And getting skis kicked out of awesome riding spots. Had a buddy run his open 1 day when his blew up before his new one came in the mail and it was soo loud it made you sick. I'm not even old and all my sleds and skis are piped. No waterbox sounds brutal too
  12. Lumberjack

    300/440/550 1st Ski. 1st Build.

    With those feet I don't blame you for flat decking it! GL
  13. Lumberjack

    300/440/550 1st Ski. 1st Build.

    Don't torture yourself by flat decking your first ski. Ride it and have fun until youre bored and buy a more powerful ski. Flat decking it is a huge waste of time. Have fun!
  14. Lumberjack

    Superjet Defoam and RRP adjustable foot hold install

    Looks great but get that dash outta the way!
  15. Lumberjack

    Freestyle 2 New Builds for 2018 Xfr and 2He

    Woahhh you won't be going anywhere with those holds!! Looks great
  16. Lumberjack

    RICKTER talk

    can anyonw tell me which sponsons theyve ran ontop of the factory fs2 evo(2013) sponsons? trying to decide between tubbies 1 tubbies 2 destroyers or pro water craft. Wondering what else fits. Thanks
  17. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    Best pump fuel you can buy without etheanol
  18. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    Premium and synthetic oil. No need to overthink
  19. Lumberjack

    Ball Scupper for Krash Skis

    that's my next option. Unfortunately 100-130 usd costs me over $200 canadian so I was trying to save some $$$. thabks
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