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  1. Lumberjack

    Post your Trailer setups

    They're both 8 long
  2. Lumberjack

    Water shoes for sandy enviroment?

    Asics and some thin dive boots
  3. Lumberjack

    Post your Trailer setups

    I was looking for some inspiration for my new trailer build and only came across a few threads with a couple pictures. I'm currently looking to build a new 2 ski flat deck trailer. The purpose of the flat deck style is to protect my skis since I have to travel over some loose gravel roads to get...
  4. Lumberjack

    Richter edge fr tray boxes

    Why do you want to be that far forward in the tray? I think you'd be better off adjusting your pole
  5. Lumberjack

    Anyone making chin pads still?

    This is a carbon Carter B
  6. Lumberjack

    Anyone making chin pads still?

    Or Carter Bracket on Facebook.
  7. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    OUCH. You could get a real nice 1 or 2 year old rickter edge with a 760 or more for that kind of money!
  8. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    All I had to do was read "chixwithtrix" build thread and knew exactly how these would come out.
  9. Lumberjack

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    One of my favourite threads! First go at returfing rrp holds. Blasted the turf off with a dremel flap wheel and left the original padding and foam. Stoked!
  10. Lumberjack

    Factory (Limited) Pipe Worth It?

    My ski doesn't have a flc and rips no problem for the last few years
  11. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    The fact they're releasing ski's in the US and have no parts and no one to perform warranty work in a timely fashion is insane for 12k. You'd be better off on a stock 97 superjet from the sounds of things. I hope everyone who purchased one doesn't have the same issues. You know what they say...
  12. Lumberjack

    Carter B front foothold fitment on FS2 evo?

    Just had a new CarterB hold pop up forsale locally and wondering if anyone's fitted them to an fs2 evo? Pictures would be great fitted to any ski. I would probabaly be bolting it on since its mid season. Is there a better option for a rickter tray? Any advice? Thanks
  13. Lumberjack

    Factory (Limited) Pipe Worth It?

    If you don't have a pipe on your 701 you're missing out. My 07 has stock exhaust and it feels like I'm dragging an anchor compared to my piped ski
  14. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    Was really hoping they would of used an existing drivetrain that was proven. This would of eliminated all of these issues. Most of these motors only have minimal hours too, time will tell. I'm still very happy i purchased a 701 based FS2 evo for less than these. You could even buy a really nice...
  15. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    Wait what... you can't leave us hanging People need to know the truth before they waste their hard earned money.
  16. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    Yea 3 weeks is a crazy amount of time to be down when you can have any other part in 2 days. I'm lucky to have 12 weeks of riding all year
  17. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    First ride of the year. 5m suits dive boots and hand warmers were necessary. Ice left the lake 10 days ago
  18. Lumberjack

    Video Recovering sunkin ski

    Great video and wow just from exhaust clamps. I thought the foam would keep an sxr up or atleast just barely
  19. Lumberjack

    What's your view look like today?

    Party supplies
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