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    Surfriding Blowsion OVP service

    I have the Blowsion Billet Handlepole with OVP steering setup. Does anyone make a kit to convert it from a bearing setup to bushing. People probably think I’m crazy but I can’t stand the bearings setups on these steering systems. Super complicated over engineered as compared to oem like bushing...
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    Used WTB SJ RN Handle Pole Bracket

    Stock or aftermarket as long as it works with stock hood and cowling Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    SXR SXR 800 Lites Ride Plate testing

    I agree with from my testing as well. Wish I could get the pro watercraft speed with the tbm turning on my lites ski. I even tried machining the tbm back mounts down a bit to get less scrub. I would think this plate works great with more power. Again, both are great plates. Sent from my...
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    SXR TBM Ride Plate - SXR

    I have the ride plate and matching grate. The plate has been machined down at the rear bolt contact points to allow for a couple mm of shims (ss washers). PM me if interested. No dents or cracks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Antisieze on FP screws?

    to add, fp does not adequately chamfer before they tap the the threads for the bleed screws. This creates a raised edge that easily corrodes and locks up. I chamfer(countersink) all new pipes, chase the threads, and apply anti seize. No problem since. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    the trivial complaints thread

    Love my lites ski! Came from limited and superstock headaches many years ago. Came back to racing once I heard about the lites class. The superjet build is a little more involved than the sxr, but both are a far cry from limited spec. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    SXR SXR 800 Lites Ride Plate testing

    Time to start a thread to share my experience and hear others opinion on these ride plates. Tested TBM and Prowatercraft racing plates on my lites ski with TBM sponsons and TBM loader. Both are great plates and hats of to both companies. I felt that the the TBM carved and kept the nose...
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    Blaster Marine Formula - DeBond vs 3M 5200

    I have had good luck with PB blaster. Best to get a gallon and soak/submerge the part overnight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Msd enhancer vs protec modded cdi

    Very cool info, great thread and appreciate OCD and you for sharing the info. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Msd enhancer vs protec modded cdi

    I will buy the one OCD tested. Someone send him another one so we can see how much they vary! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Freestyle Surf Slam PICS!!!!

    Nice, I just got hold of these pics and can that the event was a winner. Collectively, it looks like everyone is stepping it up and going big. Congrats Mikey!!!! Can't wait to ride Oside again and get an update from the crew. C-bone hater, Vince.
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