scary surf is fun! def should have just rolled 5 miles south to Ponce inlet and gotten into even bigger slop :) (unless you are alone...not too smart) great spot too for pics
good meeting you JD. sorry i didnt get any pics of you riding :( heres a few i did snap of others. hope you jersey guys get down here more often bc i think you brought the clean swell we got lucky to have...hahaha
i ripped apart some $30 windsurf boards. super simple design and install if you just look at those KRASH pics. ill post up pics. here is a pic though of a local matal surplus place nearby if anyone wants some its really cheap. think this 30 inch piece was $4 (if you want it). bolts of the...
2000 still a great deal for such a mint classic :)
my buddy worked for orlando yamaha for like 7 years and in 2008 i think it was he found an FX1 in the back corner of there storage of crated new machines and what not. He had no clue of its origin and rarity and was told he could keep it but...
find a windsurf guru or an old board and rip out the tracks and build from there. look at the KRASH hull setup. basically a similar concept and a better layout than bolt to the side rigging like rickter/bob setup.
fake ones have "adaracing" inscribed without the lettering in italics adaracing and no date stamp on the under side. and the domes are anodized making the clearance on install too tight.
jetmaniac should have pics of the two side by side as he figured this out too on his own from a customer who...
hahahha good stuff. that lil FX is soo much fun even when the waves are the size of curbs. The water is about 70 and crystal clear which is near perfect. we did some fun stuff on VERY skinny water too that was no joke 6" for a decent stretch and somehow that RXP would even skim over it (usually)
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