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  1. fastgtfairlane

    Help ski super lean

    How do you have your fuel lines plumbed? The gold sbn 38s you got will flow more fuel than the oem 38s that were on your superjet. Are you running dual fuel pumps aa well? Also what intake manifold are you running? If you're running the stock manifold, you're gonna want to plug the crossover...
  2. fastgtfairlane

    Fx1 motor blew up!

    What's the other piston look like?
  3. fastgtfairlane

    Working in this crazy heat!

    I love working in my 70 degrees air conditioned shop.
  4. fastgtfairlane

    Here we go… again… another Freak re-build

    I have a 735 with the wax exhaust hose and dual 44s and have lots of room between the carbs and exhaust hose on mine. Must be the intake manifold you're running as mine is a stock 64x
  5. fastgtfairlane

    Carbon fiber freestyle hood

    I'd like to see a few pics of it on a superjet. It's a great looking hood
  6. fastgtfairlane

    NC/Outer Banks riding

    Yeah it's 4 hours from me as well but soo worth the trip
  7. fastgtfairlane

    Paul Lehr LPW

    Best part is he still rides and comes out to freeride events! LPW FTW
  8. fastgtfairlane

    NC/Outer Banks riding

    A solid group rides on north topsail just about every weekend. You can drive out on the beach and launch directly in the water.
  9. fastgtfairlane

    Career out of High school

    I graduated high-school 22 years ago. I thought I wanted to be in the automotive industry so I went to uti. Found out I hated that life. Then decided to try the hvac field based on an opportunity from a family friend who owned his own company. 11 years later I had to finally get out of hvac. The...
  10. fastgtfairlane

    760 compression

    Was that 760 cylinder that cracked running a stock 61x pipe for lites racing when it cracked? I have a later 62t cylinder with the added gusset that I had fully ported running 195psi with a non girdled ada head. I am not racing though and don't do extended full throttle runs. I'm not running a...
  11. fastgtfairlane

    1997 xscream superjet

    Best looking sj hood in my opinion
  12. fastgtfairlane

    Full carbon, is it the right path?

    I don't ride any flatwater freestyle but I do have a superfreak badass -4.3 with a fairly basic 735 setup and it is the best hull I've ever ridden for surf riding and boat chasing. Its incredibly stable and easy to recover. Itll slide for days and its easy to make it carve with the progressive...
  13. fastgtfairlane

    Sitdown 62T in Superjet tuning

    Did you swap the impeller out to one that will handle the additional horsepower and torque from the 701 over the 650?
  14. fastgtfairlane

    BA Freak (155 conversion) & carbon circus

    Sheesh man what happened to your new crank?
  15. fastgtfairlane

    Electric Beach Cart build!

    My friend @Sasquachcrap built this beach mobile and uses a rc transmitter to control it. After a little massaging and tinkering, it does excellent in the sand. I believe took 10 or skis on and back off the beach at topsail freeride which was a good 1/8 mile treck on the beach and up a small dune...
  16. fastgtfairlane

    Engine teardown - reed screws for lunch

    Very hard to tell from pictures alone but it looks like the there is a score in the bore on the rear cylinder. If you can catch your fingernail on the score mark ,then a new bore and pistons would be required.
  17. fastgtfairlane

    Buying ski molds

    Harry, I highly recommend you read through this thread to give you a very good Idea what all is involved with building a hull from scratch. This thread has every bit of information you would need to build your own hull. It might motivate you further or motivate you to not attempt the work. My...
  18. fastgtfairlane

    650/X-2 Carbon Fiber Modified X2 FOR SALE!

    So is he selling the ski, hull or molds?
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