Does this mean if I make a loss on my personal ski its now a tax deduction. How about if I buy parts for it. they should be a cost right ??? You guys should not have voted Biden in. OK the last part was tongue in check we all know you didn't vote him in
I have a heap of parts for sale but i thought this one would appeal to the group the most
its speedwerx pipe for a superjet, it in my warehouse in japan but i will ship it anyway in the sates for free
If you put a bigger engine below the same size carb then you will find the air speed through it increases. this creates a higher pressure drop in the venturi and can some times make so much of a difference you have to jet down.
A two stroke likes all its air/fuel and it wants it now. SO the...
Thanks for your feedback. We are trying our best to supply parts that are not avliable, its really hard to get it happening and creates a lot of issues. You need to understand it is not us holding production. its the changes we made to have the mold changed twice to make it better as well as...
Yup, the foundry has almost got them all finished and heading to the warehouse. When they were machining them up they found some defects in a few of the castings so they had to recast all those units.
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