Bars and steering may tighten it up but you still don't Get the throw like a pre 08 does without a pole and steering cable swap too. My standard RRP steering on my 07 has been great, I'd recommend it.
I never even though about going right over it. Did you have to smooth the old diamonds off for it to adhere properly or was it fine? Feels like some one buttered my tray mines soo bad even though it looks fine
How do you find the 1" pad when adjusting your holds? do they still go up plenty to fit your feet properly? I'm just about to order some under pad and wondering if i should go 18 or 28 Thanks
You won't miss the superjet if you want to "freeride". Wish I would of skipped that stage and went straight AM. I went 701 RN SJ to 701 fs2 evo this year and it's twice the ski. Will be selling my SJ for another rickter in the next year.
Obviously the SJ tracks harder and carve easier where the...
Read the whole turf thread but wondering what mm factory rickter underpad is? What mm are you guys replacing it with? How thick can you fit before the foot holds are too high? Thinking of going 18mm or 30mm in my fs2 evo. Got some black molded diamond ready to go. Also going to redo my holds
First go at holds and turfing last year. Didn't really pay attention to the way the diamonds were going when I made the cuts and templates on the smooth side of the turf but meh could of turned out way worse. 18mm on tray 18mm in holds sanded to fit my riding shoes. Theae holds are HUGE and...
Great info here. Follow the link in the thread too. Definetly tackle this yourself! Goodluck
Thats a super easy repair there was just 2 full threads explaining the process. Some one may charge you $100 the next shop may be $400 it really depends. Anyone with zero experience can fix that in an hour or two MAX
What you guys running on the rickter trays? Heard factory is 9mm. My original turf is shredded under the holds. Just picked up a sheet of molded black turf to take care of it. Bump this thread back up its awesome!
right on! for the time being i just replaced the flap on the cheap to get me through the rest of the season since it was starting to crack a bit. Surprisingly it still seals up pretty good but i'd love to swap it over to the thrust ball scupper.
you can also slightly clearance your holds to clear the exhaust. I just cut a little spot from my holds and reglassed it on my RN SJ, you cant even tell once it was all padded and turfed up. the holds also look really far forward.
Recently picked up a Rickter FS2 evo with a piped 701/stock 144 pump with a stainless impeller. Before i get into the review about the system i want to explain why i picked this hull. I picked up the ski to chase a few boats, some mild flat water(stabs, spins ect) and cruise around the...
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