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  1. W

    B-pipe manifolds for sale

    Yes, I would love to be faster and we are flat out doing our best,
  2. W

    Tuning help

    140 low 120 high 2.3 n/s and 95 gram spring assuming the rest of the engine is set up correctly
  3. W

    B-pipe manifolds for sale

    Im waiting on the updated sample. Its on its way.
  4. W

    R&D REV2 dry pipe

    You could put water injection it but it will destroy any power it already has. It gives you low end but then it takes so long to get the pipe to temp it will not pull up top
  5. W

    R&D REV2 dry pipe

    Put an ignition in it, this will fill in the bottom area you are missing
  6. W

    Superjet Intake grate

    We have these coming. The mold is done and I will have the unit in my hand this week
  7. W

    B-pipe manifolds for sale

    Good deal
  8. W

    Reed spacers… 62t yes or no

    I run them as I like to increase the case area The work with epoxy is not to reduce the volume but to take shield the crank windage
  9. W

    DIY Total loss or MSD TL upgrade box 270USD?

    This is interesting watching this. I hope you get it sorted
  10. W

    Oh no!..The rod!.. It's broken!

    I got a jet manic crank years ago. This is what pretty much started Chris business I believe. It was sent here in Aussie it’s been in about 4 engines and still going strong lol
  11. W

    superjet 701 rev issue

    Try cutting 10mm of your ignition leads and putting ngk plug caps on it 10mm is 3/8 to you crazy mericans
  12. W


    Its a worry this scamming that's going on
  13. W

    550 rear sponsons
  14. W

    Oh no!..The rod!.. It's broken!

    Then it really wasnt
  15. W

    Can't stay logged in?

    It happened to me as well, I cleared all cache and cookies and I'm ok I was going to say something but I couldn't log in
  16. W

    Riva 7 ports cylinder Superjet

    They did this to get the torque. It limited the top end hp but it gave more torque
  17. W

    Riva 7 ports cylinder Superjet

    Heading towards the square bore. Such a better combination than the big bore we see these days
  18. W

    Riva 7 ports cylinder Superjet

    Hey Paul, I think it was 785 and aftermarket cylinders I have a had a few 785 cc mod motors with lamey cylinders. Happy to be wrong
  19. W

    B-pipe manifolds for sale

    You are right and I like your thinking. Im going to look into this and it would be a great upgrade
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