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  1. fastgtfairlane

    What hull?

    Superfreak badass has been hands down the absolute best riding all around hull I've gotten to ride. Obviously powerplant selection will help determine how the hull ultimately handles.
  2. fastgtfairlane

    White Trash Build 440/650

    I miss the days of ordering molded diamond "b" stock sheets for basically half price before sbt bought them out. I never saw any blemishes on the b stock either.
  3. fastgtfairlane

    Superfreak rideplate

    Which length and model? I have a -4.3 badass and am currently using a oem pre 08 ride plate shortened flush with an oval.shaped hole cut for clearance on my 148 mag pump. After clearance for the pump, the plate bolted right up.
  4. fastgtfairlane

    Here we go… again… another Freak re-build

    +1 on the jm box. It's not super loud but also has a good tone and fits nicely in the freak as well. I have one in my freak. It's also not heavy either.
  5. fastgtfairlane

    Spray out the back

    Very easy, get in "surf" stance with one foot in front of the other, put your weight over the pole in one quick motion, turn right or left quickly with your weight forward and be on the gas and the pump will come unhooked to spray like that
  6. fastgtfairlane

    Westcoast Blaster Pipe

    It's actually a pretty decent pipe. I've ridden a superjet with a wet jet pipe in it and it ran pretty well.
  7. fastgtfairlane

    power gain..... et 967

    I can imagine it was a rocket on the top end as well
  8. fastgtfairlane

    Runs great on trailer, but not in water

    Have you tried a leakdown test to verify you don't have an airleak somewhere in the engine?
  9. fastgtfairlane

    Impeller selection

    If you're looking for top end, why not swap the 38s for 44s? You'll make a noticeable improvement with the 44s from around 1/4 throttle up
  10. fastgtfairlane

    Help with what size jets

    115-120 pilots, 140-150 mains, 2.0 n/s 95g spring with 25 or so psi popoff should be very close. Factors such as location above sea level, flame arrestor choice, and impeller/pump load will come into play as to the final tune and that's something you'll want to spend time with to get it dialed.
  11. fastgtfairlane


    Maybe a little. However, I think the mass majority will fall in line because most don't know how be truly independent and live off the land. especially the younger generations. They dont even want to own their own house, theyd rather rent. Almost no one knows how to grow food or has any kind of...
  12. fastgtfairlane

    Jetworks water restrictor

    I like the adjustable flow control valve for the stinger so that the more rpm you're turning, the more water you'll into the exhaust. Adding restrictors to your headpipe will cause it to heat up which can add more rpm and power, but at the cost of bottom end. Also can get too hot which can...
  13. fastgtfairlane

    Soft Lean seize...tear down .....any insights from the experts most welcome.

    Definitely go over your crank very thoroughly before running it again. Also wouldn't hurt to ditch those baby 38s for some properly sized carbs for the engine such as some a/m 44s or 46s. Youll notice a big increase in power throughout with the 44s.
  14. fastgtfairlane


    To me, crypto is just another way to get people away from using cash which is the end goal for the elites and their new world order. A completely cashless society and digital monetary system. Once the economy crashes and the dollar plummets, the answer they'll tell us will be a central bank...
  15. fastgtfairlane

    Gonna do a Tigercraft v3 701 build but im new

    Best recommendation if you're new to standups, start with a superjet, not an aftermarket hull. Aftermarket hulls are not always a bolt on and go hull.. many require some custom fab work to completely build and assemble depending on what power plant you plan to use. The tigercraft v3 is a decent...
  16. fastgtfairlane

    X2 750 swap

    Pipe choice would be a factory pipe with either a blaster limited, sj or sxr chamber would give the most power. The 650 chamber with rhe factory pipe also works pretty decent.
  17. fastgtfairlane


    What state?
  18. fastgtfairlane

    89 X2 with a 750 small pin, Sudco blue 42mm Help?

    If keep the popoff at 25psi and go up in pilot jet. Have you also verified good compression on both cylinders and done a good leak down test to verify no air leaks?
  19. fastgtfairlane

    Stock SJ prop option

    I bet it will probably work pretty well. It's a much different design than the big hub swirl hooker impeller. The skat impeller won't load the engine as much at low rpms like the hooker. The big hub allows a much lower leading edge pitch on the impeller.
  20. fastgtfairlane

    Soft lean seize ....Should I run it ?

    If you want to save money down the road, go ahead and remove and tear it down for inspection. Run it and risk it really coming apart and taking out the cylinder or cases then you'll be starting all over. I had the same thing happen to me and ended up needing a crank. Engine ran fine, still had...
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