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  1. fastgtfairlane

    Revolver R Hull Delaminating

    Flex seal as seen on TV is your best bet obviously
  2. fastgtfairlane

    Superfreak circus carbon fiber repair

    Definitely go with 2+2 twill for any repairs that have curves. The way the threads are weaved together allows it to go around almost any curve without having to cut reliefs in the fabric. 2+2 twill is also commonly used for visual carbon layups because it looks awesome. In my experience doing...
  3. fastgtfairlane

    155 yamaha impeller

    A friend has a 6/12 in his v3 with a standard ported 701 setup
  4. fastgtfairlane

    155 yamaha impeller

    I think the lowest pitch available from skat is a 5/9
  5. fastgtfairlane

    155 yamaha impeller

    What ski is it going in? Engine etc? Sola impellers in general load the engine much harder than skat. Solas are generally heavier and have thicker blades. So many kinds of impellers too. Large hub, small hib, swirl, etc. I prefer skat over Solas because they generally have better bottom end and...
  6. fastgtfairlane

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    What impeller were you running in it? I'd imagine an impeller for a 1100 swap might be close. Looks like you're going mag pump things now haha. Worlds most expensive hottub
  7. fastgtfairlane

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    Can you even get enough impeller for that much engine? Haha
  8. fastgtfairlane

    Wax Racing SuperJet Exhaust Hose - Short?

    The wax hose fit my freak without having to cut or splice anything. I'm happy with it.
  9. fastgtfairlane

    Super Jet Zeeltronics CDI for a 760 RN superjet

    The 760 electronics use a totally different flywheel cover is the easiest way to tell
  10. fastgtfairlane

    Super Jet Zeeltronics CDI for a 760 RN superjet

    Cool thing with the zeel is you can set the timing at whatever you want at 100 rpm increments just like with total loss.
  11. fastgtfairlane

    Super Jet Zeeltronics CDI for a 760 RN superjet

    Are you running 760 or 701 electronics? I don't think the msd works with 760 electronics.
  12. fastgtfairlane

    Super Jet Zeeltronics CDI for a 760 RN superjet

    If the engine is completely stock with the stock pipe then stick with the stock cdi. If you put a pipe, head etc then you'll want to get a cdi with higher Rev Limit and more timing. Msd enhancer works fine but is limited. With the zeel you can program any curve and Rev limit you want. The...
  13. fastgtfairlane

    Fuel coming out of flame arrestors

    Try taking the jet out if the internal restrictors are not drilled and see what happens. The purpose of the jet in the tee is to equalize the fuel pressure between the 2 carbs. If they're not drilled out then I'd imagine the jet I'd causing a fuel issue.
  14. fastgtfairlane

    Ride Plates on '07 SuperJet

    Longer ride plate would not be ideal for freestyle type riding. I'd recommend stock flush cut or d cut for freestyle.
  15. fastgtfairlane

    Fuel coming out of flame arrestors

    Are the returns drilled out and the tee tapped for a mikuni main jet to adjust your fuel pressure? If not, that might be something to consider. I know it adds another thing to tune and recommend getting a fuel pressure gauge and taking the time to do buy it could definitely help your issue...
  16. fastgtfairlane

    Tiger craft Epoxy resin?

    Any epoxy should be fine, proper prep work is key to good adhesion.
  17. fastgtfairlane

    My first 550 build

    A trip down memory lane Haha. Peep those dual bns
  18. fastgtfairlane

    (Sold) Rockered, -4 96 superjet $2500

    North Carolina, but actually sold it locally 2 weeks ago and have not updated this thread.
  19. fastgtfairlane

    FX-1 Purple Madness

    Looks excellent! Bringing her to wavedaze??
  20. fastgtfairlane

    What’s the best freeride ski?

    Another ski rarely mentioned that will do it all. Nor to mention they look badass too
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