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  1. rab2009

    Farm & Fleet has some good stuff for PWC!!!

    Yeah your old one was better. And i hope thats not u in this one b/c if it was the fact that you don't have a life jacket on helps show how dumb u are,
  2. rab2009

    Cookerq62' New Ski- riding in 46 degree water!

    i went riding here in michigan today. There was still ice on the lake and the air temp was 50. Not sure of the water temp though but it was deffently cold.
  3. rab2009

    going jetskiing??

    i might be going out riding tommarow after work. A section of my lake is unfrozen and the ski is all loaded up. just need the ice to unfreeze a bit more b/c it isn't quite to the boat launch yet. hopefully ill be out there tommarrow for at least half an hour.
  4. rab2009

    Releasable Dakine Straps

    if i were to do it i would only put snaps on one side. that way you can't loose it.
  5. rab2009

    trailer pictures

    thats pretty cool. Did you make it yourself?
  6. rab2009

    trailer pictures

    Does the top part hinge down on your trailer?
  7. rab2009


    sorry don't think i could help
  8. rab2009

    Vid's +Pic's Of Mavericks

    cool vid.
  9. rab2009

    My new Ski platform

    very nice.
  10. rab2009


    im about 45 minutes away. Why?
  11. rab2009

    Gettin Artsy Fartsy with Ross Champion

    likeit. its my new background
  12. rab2009

    One trick I do is

    i think i get it do you put your feet heel to toe or do you have them facing sideways.
  13. rab2009

    thanks for sending it. It looks good ill have to read it tommarrow
  14. rab2009

    Blowsion Foot Strap Install Kit, Review and Pictures.

    nice wright up. I think i might be doing the blowsion style mounting setup when i put straps in.
  15. rab2009

    just emailed thanks in advance
  16. rab2009

    300/440/550 pictures of my rebuild [550]

    i like how your tubbies go all the way to the front. Could you give some more information on the sponsons. such as why you made them that way and what there made of.
  17. rab2009

    Have I gone completely mad?

    I say go for it. But I think that if you found someone else that would be willing to go with you it would make it safer and more fun that going alone.
  18. rab2009

    rant about couchers

    I just finished reading the new issue of watercraft world and it talked about cruise control on the sitdowns. And from what i read it seem that you hit a button once you are at the speed you want Then as long as the throttle is pulled at all, the engine will continue to put out the same rpms...
  19. rab2009

    couple of old school vids

    That is a clip from jet dreams.
  20. rab2009

    The Winter Rebuild

    yeah i would like that explained also. Is it a fuel cut off?
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