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  1. bored&stroked

    What do you guys think?

    Silly small truck problems lol. I fit two superjets side by side in the bed of my 98 chevy 1/2ton shortbed no problemo. And its slammed, so I just backed up to the water and slid them in. Cake.
  2. bored&stroked

    First AR!!!!!!!!

    Maybe for auto use. For precision they are the go to platform for .30 cal in the military these days.
  3. bored&stroked

    First AR!!!!!!!!

    Man, if they'd let me shoot guns while riding ski's......oh the fun and near death experiences that could be had!
  4. bored&stroked

    93 Wave Blaster build up

    Well, this thing got derailed quickly. Finishing this ski was based on selling my stock 94 over the summer so I'd have the money to continue. But ski's didn't sell for s**t last season, so I was stuck. Hopefully this summer will go better. In the meantime this winter, I went ahead and tried...
  5. bored&stroked

    Anyone hauling with a low truck?

    My airslam kit was designed to work with a belltech notch I believe. I have western chassis stuff in back, so the airbag bracket lined up with one hole, but the other we had to use a spacer and make work. Eventually I added a Mercedes air compressor and a gauge with switch inside the truck to...
  6. bored&stroked

    Anyone hauling with a low truck?

    No don't. Shock mounts aren't designed to handle weight they are designed to hold shocks that only dampen the energy of the springs. OP- once you put helper bags on all will be right with the world. The more weight and resulting air pressure I run, the softer the ride gets. Truck is a 5/6 drop...
  7. bored&stroked

    First AR!!!!!!!!

    And here I am just wishing people would build things other then AR's regardless of the caliber.....
  8. bored&stroked

    1993 Yamaha waveblaster 760

    pop off won't change from exhaust. Up the main jet 1 size and go from there. Thats what FP says for the pipe on a 701.
  9. bored&stroked

    the trivial complaints thread

    We don't do it in Arizona. Its quite choice.
  10. bored&stroked

    The jm 718cc or 735cc

    Its not much more if you have the money to spend sure. OP- you want the 735. Why? Because you are a MAN. Besides, girls like big pistons. Not tiny little pistons.
  11. bored&stroked

    Want to Buy Coupler shaft 62E-51323-00-00

    Looking for the coupler shaft that goes into the midshaft bearing. Part number is 62E-51323-00-00. These came in Blaster 1's and 94-95 650 VXR's [I know, weird]. Trying to not spend the $100 a new shaft costs and figured people were always parting out those old vxr's.
  12. bored&stroked

    B1 Riva Rear Exhaust?

    Choose any combo of the following: -they blew up the stock fiberglass waterbox and had raider parts laying around -they want more room in the engine bay for....reasons. -they think rear exhaust looks cool -they think the raider box sounds different -they like metal parts more then fiberglass...
  13. bored&stroked

    B1 Riva Rear Exhaust?

    Usually to run a raider waterbox.
  14. bored&stroked

    Home porting question

    So I'm using some yamanube porting templates. In the pic we are looking in the exhaust port and see the sleeve overhang [62T 701 cylinder from a raider] I know the red circled part is the port height and can't be touched unless I want a higher powerband. My question is, what about the rest of...
  15. bored&stroked

    What is best waterbox for WaveBlaster with B pipe??

    Raider rear exhaust. Factory volume level. Factory well made metal part. Cool rear exit exhaust. Girls dig it. More space in engine bay.
  16. bored&stroked

    Oldest PWC?

    They have one sitting at Jet Action Rental in tempe. Very cool.
  17. bored&stroked

    760 bottom end with 61x top end

    I've ran that combo. It also had a 64x ignition in it lol I had enough parts to make a running engine. They just didn't exactly belong together. Worked fine.
  18. bored&stroked

    760 bottom end with 61x top end

    That's basically the setup every oem dual carb superjet has ever ran besides carb size.
  19. bored&stroked

    Good couch for wife

    WaveBlaster. /thread
  20. bored&stroked

    Other 760 Yamaha with dual 38's

    How did you get an odometer on a ski? :D
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