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  1. V

    Other 760 Yamaha with dual 38's

    I agree. I had to learn the hard way. Put modified 38’s on my SJ and it was nothing like my other ski with 44’s. My buddy has a stock 760 bpipe with the OEM 44’s, that thing hits harder than any variation of 38’s I have tried. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Bad charge coil?

    Appreciate the vac spec, will check. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Bad charge coil?

    Thanks! Might go that route if I cannot get a decent used oem stator assy on fleabay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Bad charge coil?

    I have a 97 superjet and chasing a no spark issue. Start stop switch is working fine and the ignition coil has proper resistance. When I went and tested the stator, all coils are good except for the charge coil reads 0 resistance. With this cause the no spark? Are any of the vendors on this site...
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    Other Klotz SkiCraft

    I have been running R50 for some time now. The only thing that has me thinking of changing to Skicraft is the moisture inhibitors. The R50 seems so “thick” every engine I have torn down has a good film on it and no signs of rust. I don’t have any experience with it on PV motors. BK had an...
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    Which head is this?

    I’m still rocking one Only problem is domes are hard to come by. last I checked you have to get them through Protec because Tom doesn’t build them that often. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cast twin cylinder (DASA?)

    Cool cylinder, can’t wait to see if someone can peg this thing to the builder. You know if the machined channels on the upper part of the exhaust cooling jacket are for some level of upper cooling? Looks like they went to the trouble to block off most of the cooling jacket except that area...
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    Super Jet Gas Tank Vent

    Old post but thought I would add. Dustin has this correct. I have stock 38 on my superjet and was running an aftermarket vent after the oem one failed. The aftermarket has no venting until a crazy high pressure much higher than most Popoff pressures. Consequently, when I went to start after...
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    Driveshaft straightening 101

    Cool write up, thank you. Have you guys ever seen bent shafts on standups assuming know rope mishaps? I’ve always wondered with the surf riding stuff, broken motor mounts, and all the abuse we do to them if it ends up bending the shaft. My assumption is if it’s bent that bad you’ll feel it and...
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    650/X-2 Salt Water into engine when not running

    Water can enter from the intake and exhaust even when the engine is not running. Always remove all moisture asap when on dry land by pulling plugs, flipping the ski, and cranking motor in short cycles. Followed by flushing the motor with lube and hopefully getting it running again that same day...
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    Super Jet Mid shaft

    Thanks! Ordering from JM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Super Jet Mid shaft

    housing seized on my kids superjet. The bearings must’ve got some moisture in them and seized up. took the mid shaft out, cleaned it up with some lapping compound. Decent size grooves, wondering if I should run it or also replace the mid shaft? All of them have markings where the where the seal...
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    Looking for a quality garage cart - Who makes a good cart?

    If you’re near Orange County, I have one that I’ll give you for free. It works good. Might need some oil in the castor bearings but it’s an extra one I have. It’s one from a dealer I got with a ski Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Used Sold Oem Superjet RN chinpad

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    Used Sold Oem Superjet RN chinpad

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    Used Sold Oem Superjet RN chinpad

    $80 plus shipping. Located on Orange County California. in great condition . Plastics been clearance for quick steering plate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Where's the best place to buy or have a crank rebuilt?

    I have a cryo treated welded oem rebuild from Competitive crankshaft. Ran in a limited superjet for 4 years sat for 8 years and now in my superstock for this year. I am probably tempting fate but so far I’m really impressed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Should I use any locktite on a b pipe head pipe to manifold bolts.

    Weird, been running anti seize on mine for years with no issues. Are you running a good quality gasket? Some of the cheaper ones compress over use and can cause the bolts to come loose. I run some that I got from Jetworks that are steel reinforced and really rigid , once they’re broken in they...
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    Post pics of your ski......

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    Post pics of your ski......

    Buoy chaser build. Plenty of goodies. 97’ hull with new school twist. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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