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    Superjet 650 (SN '92) Midshaft housing advice

    Has anyone tried the LYNX aftermarket housing ? I can find it new in France for 129 euro. (no import tax) is it durable ?
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    Superjet 650 (SN '92) Midshaft housing advice

    Thanks i'll have a look
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    Superjet 650 (SN '92) Midshaft housing advice

    Dear friends and co forumists, After having dealt with my pump wear ring, and gunwale, I now took off my mid-shaft housing from the hull. Before removing it i was persuaded i could get away by replacing the ball bearings and oil seals. But having a closer look tells me that the rubber dumper...
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    Yep! The result is good !have a look
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    polyurethane foam.....
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    Doing some progress.... wooden struts is the only way to keep walls on place.
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    When you say "piece of junk", do you mean in terms of performance or durability. ? Now that I removed the wear ring, i cleaned the impeller and looks in good shape. I do not intend to do any crazy performance racing, so is it necessary to replace it ?
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    You are lucky because mine seems to have elasticity and pops back in First, I opened a hole of 12 cm on the inside gunwale. The foam is bone dry by the way ! (see pic) Then i tried with a wood log to hit it hard outwards, but it acts like a spring and comes back in. Then I tried pushing it out...
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    Crashcourse316, this one is for you. I told you that I was going to take o picture of the ring and raise it like a Trophy ! Enjoy ! :D
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    I finally made it ! :cool: I had a can of WD40 on hand and blasted the seem repeatedly for almost 2 days. It did work, and with a lot of patience and a lot of hammering it came apart. Thanks to all of you guys for giving me the right tips !
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    Yes i'm with you. The problem is custom duties. they can charge whatever they want... and usually when they see a parcel from the US they will charge anything from 100 to 200 euro tax no logic behind it ! Thieves ! then if i add transport + customs i might end up at the same price as a European...
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    Haha ! you made me laugh. It is very true, I'm on a mission and i will raise the ring in my hand like o Trophy. Just for you Crashcourse316 :D !!! an you have a very poetic and Epic way of writing ! Congrats. I like people with subtle humor like yours
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    I think I will need a complete pump.... Can't take the bloody thing apart. everything seems to be "welded" together from corrosion. I even broke on of the "ears" trying to separate the ring from the shroud (see pic) . soaked, heated, etc.... think i'm going to give up
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    THANKS ! Hhhmmmm -- 425 for the Hooker :oops: Ouuuuch ! + 150 the ring = 575 euro Oooops I bought the whole ski for 300 ! :p (and I have not even started the engine) looks like it's gonna cost me more than I expected hehe ! :mad:
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    Thank you guys, Any recommendations for an affordable prop and ring ? (mostly interested from european shops as I leave in Europe) if i order from the states, it's gonna cost me a fortune in shipping and customs.
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    Impeller stuck against wear ring

    bought a +10 year abandoned 92 SN recently. removed the pump and looks like corrosion has done its job :eek: The impeller is literally stuck against the wear ring and doesn't move a mm (tried also with a wrench) Question 1: best way to take them apart without too much further damage ? Question...
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    Great info !! thanks. I will try it in the next couple of days
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    yes it makes sense ! there is increased heat in that area compared to the left side
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    Super Jet Square Nose 650 side wall deformation ?!

    interesting thanks! (shame that they don't really tell us how they fixed it ;))
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