08 superjet must haves for freestyle

This consists on redrilling and tapping a new hole for the round fitting where the cable attaches. You must move it further in for more throw. You may find the cable touches the back of the turn nozzle on full left lock, but you can also grind a little of the back of the nozzle for clearance.

That is why I want to try the Blowsion metal fitting, should do the same but give even more throw.....
Taylor Curtis f'n RIPPED IT UP on his 08 in Daytona. Sickest riding I have ever seen this side of Joe Kenney. The video I have is sick sick sick. :cool2:


Look at the top of the pole, the cast piece. You'll find the new one shorter there than the old one.
Look at the distance between steering cable retainer and steering cable knuckle on the turnplate.

There isn't as much throw as on the old RN pole.
You'd need an old pole and an older steering cable.

this is a must..there's no way around it...listen to this man!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
If you put an old superjet cable on the new superjet you will get more throw but you will not be able to turn left. The only way to get more throw without getting the old cable & pole is to change the possition on the nozzle.

I don't see how the old cable would fit, and work properly.

Officer Mike

TJ / SJ / JJ
Harveys Lake
we were talking about "adjustable steering" earlier in this thread i think. i did find on the 08 turn plate there are 3 holes where you could put the ball thingy. stock mines inthe middle hole. havent alterred it yet. thats prob all yamaha means by adjustable


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
A nozzle isn't going to fix your steering.
You need pre-08 steering cable and pre-08 pole.


RN Surgery... soon
Or just nut up now and go with an afermarket setup with a 96-07 RN steering cable.

If you want a nozzle ATP & Jetski solutions both sell aluminum nozzles that are pimp. Protec also makes them


All Slow No Show
tom and i have been lookin in to the adjustability on this, an i think we are gonna try what yama cat did.


havin fun
clearwater FL
huh that is for trim not quicker ratio. the bracket that is referred to from blowsion mounts on the nozzle to put the cable end in closer to the pivot. only thing is that this nozzle is a little different than the stock sj nozzle of previous years. probably will work the sam just take a little more grinding to get it to fit.
wow, didnt realize and got an 08 pole on ebay.now i see why i got it so cheap. anyone want to sell a cable cheap? will an xft plate fit?
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Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
Yeah, I bought an UMI quick turn plate, then it turned out that I need a whole steering system, and finally I hear that all this sucks anyways... where's the love?? :(
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