xeon, keep your eyes out for me riding my ski.
i'm the best.
yes you are ed.....
xeon, wait till you see him ride... It's like nothing you have ever seen before....
xeon, keep your eyes out for me riding my ski.
i'm the best.
yes. i call it the foederer.
Damn, I was practicing my hoodriding frontflip. :bananapowerslide:
I see you've been taking lessons at the Penguin School of Surfriding :tongue:No worries: here are a few of the freestyle moves I pulled when I went out in the surf for the first time:
Shorebreak roll: this is a variation on a barrel roll where, instead of doing it in the air. you do it in the water/air/sand mix close to the shore. I managed to pull a double on my first attempt - took me a week to get all the sand out of my ears.
Arse Flip: this is a backflip variation where you actually complete about 70 degrees of rotation, landing hard on your rear. Warning: the body does not have an effective non-return valve, and a wetsuit is recommended for this maneuver.
Donkey Hump: this is where you ride around way too slow because you're too scared to go fast, pumping your butt in and out to try to maintain balance as each wave points the skis nose in the air before you've had time to recover from the last one.
Endless Sub: A sub variation where only the rider comes back to the surface. Bring spare sparkplugs.
Bollock-Bashing Suck-Down: an advanced maneuver, and not for the feint of heart. Approach the beach at some speed, riding the crest of a wave. Stay on the throttle as the wave drops and recedes, at which point the pump will suck the ski hard onto the sand, killing your forward momentum, leaving only the handle pole and your bollocks to keep you from landing face first in the sand.
These are still some of my favorite moves. :ugh2:
i want a poster for real....how much?
the poster will be sold and given out... not sure on prices... It will be whatever unit price is... (just want to cover costs)
also, I decided on 1000 posters... it's not much more $$ to do more..
It will also make the unit price less...
can i have one?:flowers1:
I'de have to pay you then.....
I'll be giving them out during the raffle... remind me..
xeon, keep your eyes out for me riding my ski.
i'm the best.
how should i remind you:slap:
you are the best
:beerchug: bringing me a beer would bring a better result.. he he he
umm...what result would an illegal plant bring?:afro:
someone say safety meeting:noevil:safety meeting :love:
someone say safety meeting:noevil: