24/7 fixed steer rn build - XScream 771 PANCAKER Overhaul


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Took it across the sand into the cleanest 4-6' surf I have ever ridden today. Its still like learning to ride all over again, but not. Cooling lines actually clogged up and cut the day short, but I got a solid tank through it. Tomorrow BL Surf trip!


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Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
I didnt get to ride the fixed steer nearly enough last year. Ski was assembled with all the spare parts I had laying around, in a rush mid summer....THIS IS ALWAYS A BAD IDEA!!! My stock 38 POS carbs and hodgepodged together motor gave me a ton of problems, with fouling plugs, bad elect. Really only got about 5-6 good runs on it. Then when I finally got the bugs out of the elec. I drive down to daytona and the used junker steering cable broke the 2nd day. :no:

THIS YEAR...I am not making those same mistakes.

Start out with NEW powerplant XS771. Full package, all xscream exhaust mods, full xscream boyesen intake with XS46sbn's... Thanks to Pat, Chucky for delivering everything within 2weeks notice. And those 2 weeks just happened to be the 2 before Daytona. Flawless customer service.

Then EVERYTHING NEW. I mean new new...Full fresh OEM elec system, oem starter, rebuilt pump, and midshaft, new hood seal, steering/trim cables, ect ect. New....


Now here is where Pancake Pete comes in to save the day. I have been working 60-70hr weeks. If Pete didnt save my ass by doing the hard part of this overhaul for me, I wouldn't be on the water till July. THANK YOU PETE!

The hull was pretty worked over. Foam had 30lbs of water in it. You can see the back corner had some damage and water got in there..... bad.

Ski will be getting lots of love. Pancaker Carbon FFH, WIDE tray, Pete's doing custom foot channels, full CF reinforce, refoam, ect.








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I didnt get to ride the fixed steer nearly enough last year. Ski was assembled with all the spare parts I had laying around, in a rush mid summer....THIS IS ALWAYS A BAD IDEA!!! My stock 38 POS carbs and hodgepodged together motor gave me a ton of problems, with fouling plugs, bad elect. Really only got about 5-6 good runs on it. Then when I finally got the bugs out of the elec. I drive down to daytona and the used junker steering cable broke the 2nd day. :no:

THIS YEAR...I am not making those same mistakes.

Start out with NEW powerplant XS771. Full package, all xscream exhaust mods, full xscream boyesen intake with XS46sbn's... Thanks to Pat, Chucky for delivering everything within 2weeks notice. And those 2 weeks just happened to be the 2 before Daytona. Flawless customer service.

Then EVERYTHING NEW. I mean new new...Full fresh OEM elec system, oem starter, rebuilt pump, and midshaft, new hood seal, steering/trim cables, ect ect. New....


Now here is where Pancake Pete comes in to save the day. I have been working 60-70hr weeks. If Pete didnt save my ass by doing the hard part of this overhaul for me, I wouldn't be on the water till July. THANK YOU PETE!

The hull was pretty worked over. Foam had 30lbs of water in it. You can see the back corner had some damage and water got in there..... bad.

Ski will be getting lots of love. Pancaker Carbon FFH, WIDE tray, Pete's doing custom foot channels, full CF reinforce, refoam, ect.









Thank you Shawn.. Your always helping me order the best materials and always around lending a hand and a spare part.

Im honored you asked me to pimp her. I cant wait to make her special nice for you... :439:

See you end of week for foam. Im going to pick up some carbon sissors because i have to cut up that Kevlar anyway.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Thanks! Pete's been plugging away at that rear corner fix. Turns out it was trashed alot worse then both of us thought, so he is taking the time to grind out all the smashed glass/smc and reinforced/resealed it up right.

Inside tray/bondline for the crack repair part 1.

1/2 ass fix whoever owned the hull before me attempted. There was SILICONE mixed in, under that MESS!

Smashed bondline part2

Cracked/smashed SMC all ground out

Bondline repair

Bondline repair 2
Kick ass Shawn. Cool addition.

Though I am slightly confused from the title if this is yours or petes? lol

couple post back... Shawns ski.

He is really busy with work.. and I am really slow on work. Plus I get a little anal about making stuff nice and purdy...

So Works out.. More to come this week.. I work on it every other day so I can spend time with the Baby too.

Tonight is a Shawn ski night.. :Banane13:

That corner needs a sand down, and maybe one more piece of cloth
and then some butter to smoother her out so i can paint and youll never see.
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
He is really busy with work.. and I am really slow on work. Plus I get a little anal about making stuff nice and purdy...

So Works out.. More to come this week.. I work on it every other day so I can spend time with the Baby too.

Ah... sounds like me. and all my friends happen to know that too. Good work.

Out of all the skis that made it to Wavedaze last year, this was the one I wanted to try out myself. Lee Smith raves about his. If I didn't have so many project under way, I would seriously consider building one myself.

Sweet ski.

Shawn if you are going to paint it you should bring it up here and let my airbrush buddy go to town on it!! PM me I'll let you know prices. The paint guy we use for the whole ski is very well priced and the airbrush work is as crazy as you want to go but ends up not being much more than some of these sticker kits.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Shawn if you are going to paint it you should bring it up here and let my airbrush buddy go to town on it!! PM me I'll let you know prices. The paint guy we use for the whole ski is very well priced and the airbrush work is as crazy as you want to go but ends up not being much more than some of these sticker kits.

Thanks for the tip! Still undecided about paint.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
BRAP! If it doesnt thunder/lightning tom, will be in the water!! These hydrolock FA's are just on there till I get right bolts for the XMetal risers. Gotta plug Dangerboy/Cold Fusion. He got me the fuel filler here in 2 days, and its probably the nicest part I have ever seen. Works FLAWLESS! I have all of his parts on this motor and they are probably the best billet stuff available.




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