Other Anyone else considering changing jobs in this current economic climate?

Well I gave my official notice this morning and have never been this excited to leave a job! I took a chance 4 years ago when I took this job and it while it exposed me to a whole new world, it just never fit right. While surrounded in cool planes and awesome technology, it was basically a babysitting position with me stuck on 2nd and 3rd shift, (for the last 4 years), bored out of my mind and getting paid much less than I am used to. The shifts have also affected my sleep patterns to the point where depression has set in and I have lost all interest in riding and just about anything fun.

So, I am leaving Aerospace to am going back to the wood manufacturing industry. It's a completely different mindset that I am much more suited for and have 20+ years of experience in. My new office is 9.9 miles from the house but it has regional responsibilities so there will be lots of short travel involved so I have to get my truck ready for some extra miles.

My new title will be "Process Controls Superintendent". I've never really thought of myself as a "Superintendent" type so the title feels kinda heavy still but the actual job duties are the same as what I did, (and loved doing), for several years before I made the jump to Aerospace. Had the original company not been sold to Georgia Pacific I would never have considered leaving in the first place. Manufacturing companies run by accountants and lawyers have a way of doing things that doesn't agree with me.

I still have to endure a few more calls today as my current employer desperately tries to retain me. Unfortunately they lack the ability to offer the kind of things that motivate a guy like me so all their offers will likely fall short. It's been a great company to work for and a great group of guys but the job doesn't do anything for me.

The future looks bright again!
Wood chips and glue ftw!!!

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
No plywood or OSB in my near future. This job is in Dimensional lumber so back to my roots in the sawmills, just much higher on the food chain than ever before.
My company has been treating my department like poop (and we are estimating so we get all the work for our company as a whole..although sales likes to act like the are the saviors of the company). Final straw was that they took away our compensation plan worth up to 15K a year. They already did stuff like shortening our lunches, saying we couldnt leave during breaks, not providing a microwave (seems trivial but half hour lunch in new office = always cold lunch?) and a hundred other small rules..

Anyways, have been saving up money and I move to Austin April 1st. Have a new place lined up, a friend who's letting me store my skis in her garage, and there's a lot of opportunity in Austin. Might try to do project engineering, firefighter, stripper. We will see..

It's nice when you look around and seeing people succeed around you. Often times we hear the opinions of "everything is too expensive, jobs are hard to get, blah blah" but if you're a good worker, experienced, or well educated, there are lots of companies looking for a person like you.

Also worth noting, 3/5 of my department quit with me :) (over a 2 month span)
So i just got my acceptance letter into nursing school, which means I am either going to have to convince my boss to let me work part time ( not likely) or find a new part time job while I am in school. Would be cool to find a job in a doctors office or hospital where i could start learning on the job. If not my next best option may be to get into a pharmacy tech position where I can at least be immersed in pharmacology. Decisions decisions.


Buy a Superjet
So i just got my acceptance letter into nursing school, which means I am either going to have to convince my boss to let me work part time ( not likely) or find a new part time job while I am in school. Would be cool to find a job in a doctors office or hospital where i could start learning on the job. If not my next best option may be to get into a pharmacy tech position where I can at least be immersed in pharmacology. Decisions decisions.

When you get tired of touching gross stuff look into medical management software companies. We hire a ton of nurses and pay them very well. Only thing is they have to travel a lot.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
So i just got my acceptance letter into nursing school, which means I am either going to have to convince my boss to let me work part time ( not likely) or find a new part time job while I am in school. Would be cool to find a job in a doctors office or hospital where i could start learning on the job. If not my next best option may be to get into a pharmacy tech position where I can at least be immersed in pharmacology. Decisions decisions.
If you are considering working in the operating room you could apply for a position as an orderly/O.R. tech. The pay isn't great but they should work around your hours and you will get to know everyone and determine if you really like working in that environment. If you do you can impress nursing leadership with your work ethic and personality and have a job ready to go when you graduate.
When you get tired of touching gross stuff look into medical management software companies. We hire a ton of nurses and pay them very well. Only thing is they have to travel a lot.
I work for an EMR application and we are ALWAYS hiring nurses etc. even without technical experience. Most of the time they are tired or aren't programmed to handle the gross stuff ( Not judging or blaming anyone)
I'm semi retiring at 30. My mortgage is cheap enough 1 room mate covers it and the pge. I'm leaving for 6 months to a yr with my toyota truck and my fr2 on a hitch hauler and traveling the entire west coast to hit every beach you can ride and camp. From so Cal to Washington. If a job or opportunity presents itself I will take it. Otherwise I'm going to simply enjoy life. It's been a plan for a long time to not have to work my entire life, and to not be old and tired by the time I got to enjoy it all. Mission accomplished.

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Im not sure what i will do in the meantime once i start this full time program. A hospital job would be good as i would already have my foot in the door, but considering we just built a new house I have to make some money to help pay for it at the same time. The Vermeer dealer next door to my shop is willing to work with my class schedule and let me work part time with better pay than a orderly job but not as much as I make now. Its a jard decision to try and make now but Its coming so I am trying to get prepared for it.


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
I love my job! Im just working on this real estate thing on the side so I can let my future baby's mama stop working so she can stay home full time.


walking on water
Site Supporter
I switched Jobs back in February(27th). I moved back to my hometown, which is finally seeing a push from manufacturing to service industries. I loved moving back to the river and bluffs, but the job switch took some time adjust. It's hard to come into a large group of developers, who claim to be Senior level, but don't understand what Object Oriented Programming is about(don't even get me started on their SQL practices!). I had to take my time and look for little things I can change(slowly). Some newer devs have jumped on board with me because they understand what I'm preaching.

Fast forward 5 months: I'm finally getting to program the way industry does things (N-Tier/layer, KISS, DRY, and Unit Tests!) I'm loving it now! All-in-all great group of folks who enjoy socializing and going out after work. My last job was the total opposite, almost zero social life or folks my age and status. The company is growing rapidly, and I got in before they hired like crazy and doubled the team size this spring/summer.

Good luck and remember, change takes some time. About 6 months in my case.
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