anyone have any info on powered beach carts

can you show us some more details on the motor and the setup of gearing you are using to do this.The guy who owns rollezz runs it out of our city,I might be able to see about getting a rollezz tire that will go on a alum wheel? rollezz tires work so much better in the sand than naything else out there right now
I wonder is any of those cheapy china elec quads could be turned into a powered cart?


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
are the hand pulled ones that hard to pull if there are no hills. its pretty flat in panama city, and its only about 50-75 yards most......

I can pull it to the water by myself. But after getting beat up riding surf, and with the slight incline on the beaches.... pulling it back to your truck by yourself is nearly impossible. And still tough enough to be a PIA for 2 ppl. The sand is really deep and soft here.
i have a 4 wheel cart and it's still a pain to pull it in pensacola.needs at least 2 to pull after a days ride.pulling to the water is easier but when you've got to go up a small dune ,forget it.
rolleeze tires are great for what they were built for ''but not a powered cart '' get some used atv tires on rims /from ebay , if you spin a rolleez on a sharp rock or anything its toast , I have them on my other'' human powered tote'' and they are great for that ! pics later
b800. Im thinking of trying to add 2 of the kind of wheels you are talkin bout one a straight axle welded to the rims with a sproket on it,placed in the middle of a 4 wheeled rollez cart,the middle wheels would need to be just slightly larger to get good grip and teeter turn the cart,need to find a good sized 2 speed elec motor and deep cyle marine batt.

not concerned on rocks where we will use it on the beach
b800. Im thinking of trying to add 2 of the kind of wheels you are talkin bout one a straight axle welded to the rims with a sproket on it,placed in the middle of a 4 wheeled rollez cart,the middle wheels would need to be just slightly larger to get good grip and teeter turn the cart,need to find a good sized 2 speed elec motor and deep cyle marine batt.

not concerned on rocks where we will use it on the beach
You need a small differential ...or it wont pivot without great difficulty and Shawn : and those sand tires are perfect ,but any 1-2 ply atv tire will work just get the size you want
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no need for a dif for us,i want it easy as possible to make,plus we will have someone in the front and the rear of the cart to make it go the way we want......mostly a straight line anyway,id like to have both wheels be possi track anyway gettin through the sand. Eric mentioned maybe using some drivetrain parts for a old elec golf cart,maybe even parts of the frame cut way down to cart size,and just one or 2 batts to run it. Do those motors need that much voltage to run or just to sustain all day,I think most golf carts have like 4 to 6 batts
golf cart hardware is way too heavy for our they usually run on 24v so need at least 2 good 12v batteries and them biatches bees heavy.i know some beaches do not allow motorized vehicles on them but if you get a gas motor and muffle it real well with the help of the frame tubing it might fly.quiet being the key here.
some of the smallest riding mowers may have what we need for a drivetrain.
I've worked on a bunch of golf carts and they have all been 36v. 6-6v deep cycles in series. There is a lot more to electric gold carts than meet the eye. The "brain" is pretty complex little circuit board that controls the current to the motor. Basically it makes you accelerate gradually, since they have enough torque to chirp the tires an clean pavement. There is a lot in carts and I would advise not getting one close to salt, too many electrical connections. I've seen a few golf carts run all year long and the the salt on the roads up in NY kills them pretty quickly.

My advice is a small vertical shaft gas engine, a cheapo off a generic push lawnmower would work great (3-6hp) then mount a go-cart torque converter onto the shaft. The simple ones that are just a slip clutch. Then by pully's connect that to a pearless 4 or 5 speed transmission. They are used on virtually every gear drive walk behind commercial mower and a bunch of cheap rear engine riding mowers, or can be purchased for a few hundred. Their output is a horizontal shaft, then just connect that to the drive axle by belt or chain.
gordon,that is way cool,you have anymore pics of that thing,thats very close to what i pictured for a gas cart,if you put a really long muffler on it,you might be able to silence it almost completly


I got two ideas
1. Use kids Jeep or Barbie Mobile as donor for engine and transmition - I think it's got enoufth power to move cart with jetski and small in size
2. Use Ryobi Expand-It ( or similar brand) Universal Cultivator Attachment,


  • Beach cart gear.jpg
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With Ryobi just take blades off and attach wheels and put it in one of the cart axel - it's will some have Brap
I think Ryobi one is the winner !!!! And you can buy 4cycle one ( EPA approved)
I should register this idea...
Am I good or what ???
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