Ok, so good and bad news.
Good news, pump fits awesome, almost better than anticipated. Perfect alignment with the CF tool.
The hood is cleaned up enough for me to send it out for paint; it’s not perfect but I did my best and I learned a lot.
As far as the “bad” news goes I had to fight hell to get the cooling lines on and will have to fight them every single time I go to pull and install the pump. It is tighhht with that 155 in there.
The ride plate of course is giving me issues. I skinned it in carbon and was so excited before I realized that there is no bolt hole recessions. It’s flat lol. Not a huge deal, I’ll just have to pick up some stainless button head bolts tomorrow for a lower profile.
I also had to use mega nuts to space it up off the ski to get a measurement so I can have proper spacers cut out. I could grind the bottom of the pump down to help with fitment but I’d really rather not and the plate itself fits pretty nice to the body line of the ski.
The intake grate also has a large overhang at the shoe. I’m going to have to bring it down with a grinder.
Worst news, my xmetal trim doesn’t fit
and I even made the ring trick as hell.
Now I have to use my stinky old RRP ring until I can finance a newer system .
Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel
Try not to look to close at the pictures lol, the guy who painted the ski did zero prep work to the parts I patched and butchered the paint. Not sure what he was thinking
For sure redoing the bottom deck myself next year unfortunately