Lets recap the process to get to this point in the project...
First sketch to pictures in this post, 6 weeks of nap time.
- Salvaged the wheels from a jogging stroller, 11.5", 3 wheel, front swivel
- Drew out the plan on a piece of PEG board
- Cut the PEG board into a stencil
- Used the stencil to cut out numerous layers of 0.75" EPS foam
- Glued the foam together with gripper
- Roughed out foam higher than the gunnels, hood / nose
- Roughed out a rocker
- Roughed out a handle pole shape
- Began using 5 minute drywall mud to detail the shape
- Made a sanding block to help shape the hood area
- Removed the rocker
- Lengthened the pole to better facilitate pushing
- Finalized the shape
Side note... Gripper works well, grabs quick, but leaves a gap. Epoxy resin would accomplish the task with more consistency between layers at the cost of extending dry times and possible slippage.
Everything else are my typical methods.
Of course you want some sort of picture after 2 posts, so here you go...
I attached the plug to a piece of EPS that would become the mold flange. I attached it with drywall screws. I also used EPS attached with drywall screws to add back the bond rail I had omitted. An edge was added to make the mold flange more rigid, but in hind sight, it would have been much less work to make a 2d flange of more layers. I wont make a flange like this again.
And of course, more drywall mud for the details...