Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
so,. you disregarded the instructions of the manufacturer, call it finicky, and then are upset that they wouldnt warranty it?

try this, pick a car manucaturer, completely disregard how to take care of teh car, break in , redlines, oil changes....
then when it tears up, go and try and get it repaired under warranty.

I mean really guys, listen to what you are saying!

maybe the odessy batteries do suck, i will post up how mine last.

but to me, for yall to complain about them, while knowingly charging them in a way that the manufacturer clearly states will DAMAGE the battery is not a valid reason to run them down.

crammit442 said:
I used an automatic 2/10/55 amp charger by Century. If it was low I used the 10 amp setting. 2 amp for occasional maintenence. The battey failure is a big issue, but the bigger issue is the near worthless 2 year warranty. If it takes 6 weeks to get a replacement, it's not really much of a warranty, IMO. I was super stoked when I saw Odyssey batteries on Ebay and was happy to have one before mine failed. The piss poor warranty is waht really soured me on them. Even if my charger is what killed them, to me that just means that the Odyssey is a finicky battery that must be handled carefully.



Speak up ,don't kiss azz
My Odyssey failed after being drained down only ONCE (by Pancaker) and then it would not hold a charge .
up until the point of the draining it had never been charged nor drained except to start my ski or run dual bilges .

Paul @ Magoos put it on his battery tender overnight and when I got back from jersey it was dead already and will not hold a charge on my 2 amp trickle

I gave them a shot and was pleased for a while but to have the battery fail after just 1 time it was used to full capacity is disapointing to say the least.

I will give jetworks a chance but after a few e-mails and calling last night at 4 pm and no answer I'm getting impatient with them already


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
that sucks!

BUT, the instructions clearly state that a battery tender type of charger will not recharge a fully discharged odessey batteries.


am I the only one around there that reads the damn technical specs on stuff?


hangtime said:
My Odyssey failed after being drained down only ONCE (by Pancaker) and then it would not hold a charge .
up until the point of the draining it had never been charged nor drained except to start my ski or run dual bilges .

Paul @ Magoos put it on his battery tender overnight and when I got back from jersey it was dead already and will not hold a charge on my 2 amp trickle

I gave them a shot and was pleased for a while but to have the battery fail after just 1 time it was used to full capacity is disapointing to say the least.

I will give jetworks a chance but after a few e-mails and calling last night at 4 pm and no answer I'm getting impatient with them already


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at peace
Matt: They would honor the warranty without even knowing (or caring) about the failure or what caused it.



lone wolf
i have run mine totaly dead many times and recharged no problem.i have never used a tender on them mouth said,the directions strongly warn against it


Why Me?
The Atl
I am a Deka dealer and they sell a small trickle/float charger that comes with two sets of leads, one with aligator clamps and the other that bolts to the battery and stays there..

I can buy this charger for $30 and recommend it to all my customers


makin' legs
Mouthfulloflake said:
so,. you disregarded the instructions of the manufacturer, call it finicky, and then are upset that they wouldnt warranty it?

try this, pick a car manucaturer, completely disregard how to take care of teh car, break in , redlines, oil changes....
then when it tears up, go and try and get it repaired under warranty.

I mean really guys, listen to what you are saying!

maybe the odessy batteries do suck, i will post up how mine last.

but to me, for yall to complain about them, while knowingly charging them in a way that the manufacturer clearly states will DAMAGE the battery is not a valid reason to run them down.

First, I checked my charger and it's output is w/in the recommended specs. The instructions also say you can use a tender for maintenence of a charged battery. Like Matt said, the biggest issue is the fact that it took 6 weeks to get a replacement. They didn't even ask how it was charged. That was not the issue. My battery store said they had to submit my case to Odyssey and wait to hear if it was accepted as a valid warranty replacement. And I would definitely say that a battery that has VERY strict charging guidelines is finicky. If you bought all your Odysseys and found out after getting them home that your charger would not charge them correctly how would you feel about having to go buy multiple chargers until you happened on one that would charge correctly? Most charger don't have the specs you need to know posted so you have to actually measure it after you get it home. Stay tuned. You'll have a failure before long.:haha:

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Speak up ,don't kiss azz
Mouthfulloflake said:
am I the only one around there that reads the damn technical specs on stuff?


I read it fully over and over again but they don't tell you these things when buying it and I just didnt want to go buy a $200 charger for an $80 battery .

Paul offered to charge it for me and had about 6 other Odyssey's on his charging rack so I accepted .

I liked it a lot until it died suddenly and after hearing about Odyssey's Riva like customer service I think I'll try a Jetworks (if they ever get back to me or answer their phones ):frown:

Your obviously very satisfied and that's good or
do you work for them or something :sneaky:


Got old, bought another ski
hangtime said:
I read it fully over and over again but they don't tell you these things when buying it and I just didnt want to go buy a $200 charger for an $80 battery .

Paul offered to charge it for me and had about 6 other Odyssey's on his charging rack so I accepted .

I liked it a lot until it died suddenly and after hearing about Odyssey's Riva like customer service I think I'll try a Jetworks (if they ever get back to me or answer their phones ):frown:

Your obviously very satisfied and that's good or
do you work for them or something :sneaky:

LOL I think he's just trying to give them a chance. :cheer: I stood in his garage with him and waited for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time and his charger wouldnt get the battery over a 76% charge (or something like that). It was a nice expensive looking charger too.

Unless I got one and it just really failed on me, having the studs in the battery posts would be a good enough selling point for me. I loathe having to position the nut under the bolt that goes to the battery post.


Got old, bought another ski
hangtime said:
I'd say if he can't get the battery to charge over 76% than he has a problem already with one of his batteries .:banghead:
dunno, I think he said he needs a beefier charger.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Yes Chuck,

out of 5 of them in service, I have had to charge one, because I dont really put engines together well.

and its been charged 3 or 4 times. ( and charged wrong... )

the rest, well, the skis them selves keep them well enough to call them good.

Like I said, Ill post whatever results I get out of these batteries, good or bad.
the few of you guys who actually know me will know that I wont lie, or BS< or get emotional about something as simple as a battery.

its funny, I always thought you were smart.

im simply trying to be objective here.

you guys can kiss who evers ass you want, maybe they are giving you stuff?

Im simply looking for the best/cheapest battery I can get locally.

and you guys are simply running a battery down, for all the wrong reasons.

crammit442 said:
Does that mean he is knowingly charging it in a way that may damage the battery?:haha:



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
it takes a special charger to charge a pc625 ody battery.

thats the whole discussion here.

yeah I need another one.

out of 5, ive had to charge one,k because I drowned the ski, and it had a leaky crank, and we tried to run it for a weekend ( really ********ing hardto start)

you guys are killing me.

Mark this thread Dustin.

BS calls BS, and alot of sheep will fall in the slaughter.


hangtime said:
I'd say if he can't get the battery to charge over 76% than he has a problem already with one of his batteries .:banghead:


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Thats Cool MattE

I understand your beef.


the other ladies are whining about something else, and its a damn nearly a band wagon thing.....

I hate that shlt

give us some facts, and some logic, or shut the fawk up...

I mean...

I ruined a chevy tahoe once, it overheated, I stayed on the gas, the head cracked...

do I blame GM or me?



Matt_E said:
Matt: They would honor the warranty without even knowing (or caring) about the failure or what caused it.



makin' legs
Mouthfulloflake said:
it takes a special charger to charge a pc625 ody battery.

thats the whole discussion here.

yeah I need another one.

out of 5, ive had to charge one,k because I drowned the ski, and it had a leaky crank, and we tried to run it for a weekend ( really ********ing hardto start)

you guys are killing me.

Mark this thread Dustin.

BS calls BS, and alot of sheep will fall in the slaughter.


I don't really know what that means........:rolleyes: I'm actually a reluctant convert to the Jetworks battery. I thought I was the only one who had Odyssey failures until everyone else started showing up. I certainly don't get batteries for free. I pay for them and they work well. I believe it's the best battery available for PWC. That's all.:biggthumpup:



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I dont know what any of it means, I just like these little smileys.







crammit442 said:
I don't really know what that means........:rolleyes: I'm actually a reluctant convert to the Jetworks battery. I thought I was the only one who had Odyssey failures until everyone else started showing up. I certainly don't get batteries for free. I pay for them and they work well. I believe it's the best battery available for PWC. That's all.:biggthumpup:



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
seriously though,

have you used an odessy battery within the specs? and gotten less than expected performace?

I have found that out of alot of folks calling them crap, very few folks ahev actually used them the way that they were designed to be used.

thats my only point here Charles.

Nothing against you or MattE personally, I like and respect you guys.

I mean, I think yal probably wear pink and dance together.

but I do respect yalls PWC info.

crammit442 said:
I don't really know what that means........:rolleyes: I'm actually a reluctant convert to the Jetworks battery. I thought I was the only one who had Odyssey failures until everyone else started showing up. I certainly don't get batteries for free. I pay for them and they work well. I believe it's the best battery available for PWC. That's all.:biggthumpup:



Speak up ,don't kiss azz
Let us know what happens lake .:biggthumpup:

We are just reporting results and some of those results may or may not be what it says to do EXACTLY in the technical specs .

however I think a battery that costs so much should be maintenance free and they are clearly not and easily destroyed by most chargers. :boggled:


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at peace
Mouthfulloflake said:
seriously though,

have you used an odessy battery within the specs? and gotten less than expected performace?

I have found that out of alot of folks calling them crap, very few folks ahev actually used them the way that they were designed to be used.

thats my only point here Charles.

Nothing against you or MattE personally, I like and respect you guys.

I mean, I think yal probably wear pink and dance together.

but I do respect yalls PWC info.

Not sure what to tell you. Both batteries were used within spec, one was charged out of spec.
Both took a dump.

Odyssey doesn't honor their warranty.

Conclusion? I wouldnt' recommend Odyssey batteries to anyone.
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