Ross and other BOBers and Stunters, are you all running stock SJ pumps? Has anyone tried a MAG pump in either hull?
My superfreak hull is super light and 'twitchy', but the MAG really helps to even out the handling equation.
Ross and other BOBers and Stunters, are you all running stock SJ pumps? Has anyone tried a MAG pump in either hull?
My superfreak hull is super light and 'twitchy', but the MAG really helps to even out the handling equation.
I have a mag pump so I don't think it makes a difference. I want everyone to know that it's not impossible to ride fast, just unpredictable to the point that you have to squat down and hang off the back as far as possible which isn't very comfortable for long runs. I have noticed that I can go much faster if I'm kneeling in the tray for what that is worth.
Jetmaniac makes a good point too. Maybe any hull that weighs less than 80 pounds will be "twitchy" at speed.
It's a freestyle hull made for flatwater backflips on a budget, not a race hull nor purpose built for surf. Ross was a pioneer and gave it a try for surf and it has some issues. I'm sure the design could be tweaked some for a surf version and Ross is leading the way right now. This is the first of the R&D as far as that goes. The hull is new and was made for flatwater backflips with probably no thought for surf riding. No hull is the best at everything. It is perfect for what it was made for, but not the best for what it wasn't. Big surprise.
I've seen a lot of people asking if it is a good rec boat. The answer is yes if you want to do backflips and play around with a super light ski. The answer is no if you want to cruise a big lake at speed. A stock superjet hull is what you want for that, but you can forget the backflips without a monster motor. Decide what you want to do and then decide what to buy.
I agree with you 100% on everything you just said. It's a purpose built hull, that does what it's suppose to, and more.
I went riding last night, and with my 800-flat top, I tried holding the throttle open a bit, just because I've never held the throttle open on a BOB. It was definietly a lot more stable than my rev hull. At Nationals last year, Pat Bogart of X-Metal wanted to hear what my 701 sounded like, so when I opened the throttle for a second, I began to roll around and the ski shot out. When I pinned the throttle on my BOB last night, the ski was stable, it jumped up a little, but I didn't feel a wobble, and the ski didn't try to push me off or roll over. I'm not saying that Ross is lying about it, but it could just be a difference in riding styles. I'm a lot smaller and lighter then Ross, so that might be helping me from rolling around at WOT.
Sorry if it looked that way Ross, I didn't mean it to look like I was insinuating you of lying. And I didn't mean rolling at WOT, I meant wobbling. I guess I need to edit a post.I never said anything about rolling around at WOT. I don't really appreciate your insinuating that I might be lying in the review. Read what I wrote.
It helps to give the ski the extra pop for doing flips. If you cut it off, and made that section flat, or even reduced the curve, it wouldn't be able to flip as easy. We tried all sorts of stuff during the R&Ding of the hull, so we tried all sorts of stuff with the bottom deck, and the bulge on the bottom makes it handle and pop a lot better then anything else we did.DK What is the bulb on the bottom for?
Sorry if it looked that way Ross, I didn't mean it to look like I was insinuating you of lying. And I didn't mean rolling at WOT, I meant wobbling. I guess I need to edit a post.
Keep it on topic, Terry.You ever considered a career in politics, I am just saying it could be an option.
Keep it on topic, Terry.
There are better odds of they sky falling that what you are asking Terry to do!
This topic is very touchy. I comend Ross for the great review. It was well thought out and put together very professionally. I think Derrick and his boys have constructed a great hull for a purpose. My thoughts ate that Ross took a hull put it through the ringer and found out that it wasn't the best hull for his purpose. Not a big deal! Ross and the ski clinic are great people and both are trying very hard to male a difference in the sport. Thanks for everything you guys do.