Boobers Blings Motosurf Invatational $1000 purse

There is a big issue with putting it out early: If the surf is big and the tied goes in and out, the bouys can get washed away. Couple of years ago in Myrtle Beach, all of the bouys ended up under the pier over night when a tropical storm came through. Besides, you dont want people trying to run a bouy course and freeride, people will be going the wrong direction and cutting in front of each other.
let me know if( who ever is running this thing) you need help setting up or what ever.i wont be in it so.. i would love to help. this is going to be a monster!!!!

ALways need help with set up!

Due to the record breaking weather conditions; staff will be on hand Saurday to check out the set up area and if it sounds like we have enough STAND UP Only people that want to get wet and give it a go; we will set up small course on SUNDAY and run a few motos.
I am sure plenty of discussion will be had about rules but let's all get there safe and see what works.:djsmilie:

anyone got a vid of this?? will be there, maybe web cam or utube posting.
And I am sure there will be talk about it 1/12/10 @ 7:00 Central time.

Course Marshal Randy
Somebody said Eric Lickalota:censored: was racing stand up?

i do like the am-surfrider idea.. thatd be fun to watch guys doing barrel rolls in the middle of the race. now, theres an idea for mike young and the future of the sport! a MINIMUM REQUIRED BR per race! :Banane13: :unitedstates:[/QUOTE]


As far as start I like the idea of LEMANS style!
25 yard run for your ski!
Eric told me he was going this year and was going to race it.

Donald decided not to go this year so he will not be racing. He has to be at college arly Monday morning so he felt it would be best not to make the trip.
Jr Wussing out on us!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Wait, there ain't an us cause I am not going.

Well, we can't really call him jr. anymore. He moved up.

And for some reason he decided college was more important. Now we will have to see come summer what all is going to take priority over racing.
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