IF you decide to let somebody ride your ski-explain the rules to them BEFORE they get on it. You might feel like a jerk while telling another grown adult that there are rules, BUT, if you don't, then you are likely to be the only one suffering.
Most of us are decent people, but there are some that don't know how to spell responsibilty. I have a very good friend that has a full carbon XFT with alot of power under her skirt. He often tells me to wear it out and try some big air tricks-out of respect for him and his property, I will not try big air tricks on his ski because I do not know how to do them and I am not going to learn on his ski. (or anyone else's for that matter).
The sad truth is that common sense in America is not common anymore. Not everyone thinks the way I do and therefore you should simply explain to Joe Blow that you have alot of money and time invested in your ski and therefore there are rules!:beerchug:
IMO it all goes back to doing the right thing whether that be helping fix or replace or pay for repair. On the other hand, the owner of a high dollar ski should be cautious of who takes it for a spin...