borrowing other peoples ski's---ETIQUETTE

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
nice.. that will seem something like this (minus the towel)


Actually if you wear a bareskin it will look exactly like that lol.................
I test ride alot of skis out of curiosity, Basically...
I just cruise it around to get a feel for it for about 4 or 5 minutes...maybe do a couple small jumps.

I say:

1. Don't beat on a ski that is not yours.
2. If the Surf is big and gnarley and your not sure you can handle it, don't.
3. Don't try NEW tricks that your not POSITIVE you can complete.
4. Don't chew up a whole tank of gas.
5. If you do break something, offer to help fix it and pay for the parts.
6. It is NOT a 'D' move to say no to somebody riding your ski...
7. Don't ask someone to ride their ski if you don't know them or haven't been offered.

On the other hand, I've let Ross ride my ski and I told him to go do rolls on it. (Just so that I could see they can be done) for inspiration. (He did them both ways on my old SXR!) If he wrecked on it, I wouldn't have expected him to pay for it, since I told him to go big on it...

Good Post DJ. I rode DJ and Madmat's boats at Wave rave. I really am curious about some of the different aftermarket hulls. I didn't get stupid and just slashed a little to get the feel.
Out at Pismo Cuong let me ride his boat as well. The waves were nice barrel roll waves that day and I was doing them all day long on my ski. The thought didn't even cross my mind to do one on his boat.

I also agree that you have every right to say "no" to someone. I have a beater ski that I will let absolutely anybody ride. My good boat only gets ridden by experienced riders.


Squarenose FTW
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If someone asks to borrow something of mine
I ask myself if I would give it to them and walk away.
If the answer is no, I do not lend.

Sorry :kabong:


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Lend at your own risk....period!

The only persons I let ride my skis are close riding buddies, I will not let any Yahoo, that thinks my ski is cool, take a ride on it. Sorry if I am being a prick but YOU can be held liable in court if anything happen to the person you lend your ski to. It happened to someone I know, there are plenty of opportunistic lawyers out there and they will take a case like that in a heart beat. Bottom line if you lend your ski, you have to Warn the rider He/She is doing so at his/Her own risk, and make sure you have a witness when you explain this to Him/Her.

I know we are all adults and do dangerous stunts on skis fully aware of its consequences......but you never know.

and the whole you brake pay it too.



615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I never feel comfortable on someone elses set up anyways so if I borrow someones SKI its generally just to see how it feels (hook up, weight, power, response and so fourth) Not to see if I can backflip it.
Chances of breaking thier ride are greater than breaking your own since the foot holds are not set up for you, the pole is not as tight or loose, the steering is different, the recover response is different, too many differences to overcome on someone elses shiot. IF I let someone borrow my ski I will tell them up front "if you break it then I wasnt riding it hard enough" but know that if your on it I am confident you are a decent rider of my skill or better.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I cannot ride other peoples ski's for nothing. I have rolled 2 other SJ's besides mine. Gil's and Parr's. Parrs is the only one that felt comfortable on. Sorry Gil, that POS UMI pole has got to go.


I never feel comfortable on someone elses set up anyways so if I borrow someones SKI its generally just to see how it feels (hook up, weight, power, response and so fourth) Not to see if I can backflip it.
Chances of breaking thier ride are greater than breaking your own since the foot holds are not set up for you, the pole is not as tight or loose, the steering is different, the recover response is different, too many differences to overcome on someone elses shiot. IF I let someone borrow my ski I will tell them up front "if you break it then I wasnt riding it hard enough" but know that if your on it I am confident you are a decent rider of my skill or better.
Super true! The differences between Josh's ski and mine are too many to name. The only thing that's the same is that they both started out as sj's.

I couldn't get used to the stiff pole, the pole felt extremely short to me, my trigger finger didn't understand x-scream power, among other things.

I'm sure I could get used to it given time, but I'm glad I stayed in flat water!


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I got on one of Tricky's skis about 4 years ago in moderate surf (hesitently). It was a powervalve Lamey, 8 mil, total loss, dry piped SJ and I was running a standard stroke big bore Tim Judge motor that I felt had some power. I had NO intensions of doing ANYTHING out of my RELM on Tricky's ski. I road over a few waves to get a feel then grabbed some throtle over the 3rd and the ski ripped out from under me and left me peddeling air! His ski landed on the next wave and was pumbled and rolled!! I felt like an ass!!!!! He was on mine and raced over to get his ski! I felt like shiot!!!! Luckily nothing was broke, but more than the power it was the not knowing where the power was, I found out tooooo Dayum Late. If the surf is moderate to big I wont ride someone else Ski in it. Flatwater NO PROBS. but too many things can go wrong in surf if you loose someones ski.
PS: Tricky is Famous for letting unsuspecting riders take a spin on his arm jerkers. Simply to see the llok on thier faces when they return. From the outside they (at the time) were STOCK looking skis with STOCK poles and paint and all. On the inside "CRADLED MURDER" with mag pumps for the FULL PULL>

I wouldnt even go near his FX1. Wtching other peeps drag behind it was fun enough. They looked like they were going for 8 seconds on a pissed off 250# squirrel.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I got on one of Tricky's skis about 4 years ago in moderate surf (hesitently). It was a powervalve Lamey, 8 mil, total loss, dry piped SJ and I was running a standard stroke big bore Tim Judge motor that I felt had some power. I had NO intensions of doing ANYTHING out of my RELM on Tricky's ski. I road over a few waves to get a feel then grabbed some throtle over the 3rd and the ski ripped out from under me and left me peddeling air! His ski landed on the next wave and was pumbled and rolled!! I felt like an ass!!!!! He was on mine and raced over to get his ski! I felt like shiot!!!! Luckily nothing was broke, but more than the power it was the not knowing where the power was, I found out tooooo Dayum Late. If the surf is moderate to big I wont ride someone else Ski in it. Flatwater NO PROBS. but too many things can go wrong in surf if you loose someones ski.
PS: Tricky is Famous for letting unsuspecting riders take a spin on his arm jerkers. Simply to see the llok on thier faces when they return. From the outside they (at the time) were STOCK looking skis with STOCK poles and paint and all. On the inside "CRADLED MURDER" with mag pumps for the FULL PULL>

I wouldnt even go near his FX1. Wtching other peeps drag behind it was fun enough. They looked like they were going for 8 seconds on a pissed off 250# squirrel.

Was that in Orange Beach when the waves were kicking so good that friday afternoon?


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
yes bring it back good post and how about tools at the vb ride i had a couple of tools not returned and two spare battery cables not returned, he is not on the forums or i would have asked for them back, i love helping people but it should not cost me tools and spares


being one of the few guys to take a full tool kit onto the beach at wavedaze i have to say i dont think i would again...
I would say I have about 10k into my boat.(price of of ski and aftermarket parts combined). If you come up to me asking to riding my ski you better fork out some cash and a lot of it then you can ride it as hard as you like.

There are only a handful of people I trust with my ski. Besides if it breaks I want to be the cause of it. :Banane09:

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Justin let me ride his X2 down there a couple of years back, which was either very brave or very stupid of him considering it was the first time I had ever ridden in the surf. I didn't do anything stupid with it and brought it back in the same condition I borrowed it in, if I would have broken it I would have stayed until it was fixed and running again before I left because its the right thing to do.


it's all good
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no one except Tru and I are riding my ski - theirs my etiquette :fest30:

(unless you want to trade / have something worth riding)
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