Broke out the saw. 650 shorten/ lighten

I have a pretty good idea of how the front will look the back end is a diffrent story. I'm thinking mostly flat deck with small sidewalls and two footholes below the deck at the stern.

Got a pretty good pile of extra fiberglass pieces below!

Anybody ever lighten the hood? This thing weighs a ton!

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Tonight I prepped and glassed a bunch of little parts as well as the bow to nose transition. I ended up having to use a little foam, but it was necessary for as short as I am making this thing. I just laid one layer over the foam and I will vaccum bag a few layers over that once it is dry. I also bagged the inside of the bow and the chines(?). I also worked on setting up the pump/stern/deck. It's wild to put the ride plate on and see how much I took off. I will have to remount the rear pump bolt. I chased out the cracks and filled/glassed them on the upper hull. I also put my final layer of glass on the pole. I think 3 should be enough. This is ALOT of work, but I work in small 1.3oz increments of epoxy to avoid waste, and that helps keep me from burning out.

As a side note I found and epoxy accelerator that I use for floor systems and I add about 2 drops per oz and it has about the same pot life and but sets up in about 2hr. (so I can pull tape or turn off the vac and pull plastic) makes it easier to move stuff before I go to bed.

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Got the front pretty well figured out. I think it turned out pretty good I just need to fill and glass the inside and I'll be ready to move to the back.

I need help tuning this thing. I think it had a keihin 40mm carb. Drilled stock waterbox. 5 inch extension in stock pipe. 1 degree timing advance.a valve in the water line to dry out the pipe.

When I ran it before it was fast on the top end but low to mid was lacking. Any easy ways to get more grunt?

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Well I've bee away for a while, adopting 3 more boys. They're eager to help but garage time has been few and far between. I got my 440 in the garage to compare the skis. In the pic the sterns are lined up. This thing is alot smaller! That's exactly what I was going for. I'm ready to glass the top back on and finish the deck!

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Finally back at it. I bought a bone stock wb1 and it got me wanting a little toy just for me again. I made a template for the deck reinforcement out of plastic and started to form the bulkhead.

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My foam job wasn't the best so in order to fill any gaps I had to mix a qt of epoxy and flood the whole deck and just let my plywood sink in it with some weights on top.

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Mocked it up for the first time with the new bulkhead and deck. I like it! The pole is super short, hope it rides okay, assuming I get that far

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A few more little odds and ends done. Filled and smoothed the bulkhead and got it glassed. Taped the inside of the hull. Reinforced the nose. Stood it up and this thing is short!

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Secret trash can technique to get gravity to help reinforce the inside of the nose. Plastic welded a hole in the hood with plastic from a bondo lid. The under side of this hood is FRAGILE.

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NE Tenn
Have you been keeping track of how many hours spent so far?? l always wonder just how many hours people get into these resurrection’s. Also,how much does it weight
I don't keep track, its 20-30 minutes every time I work on it. I sand and shape for 15 minutes then lay down some glass. I use a 3:1 epoxy so I try to prep just enough area to use 4 oz of epoxy which isn't much. I always do the first layer with a thin tape to make sure there are no air bubbles and then ill do 2 layers wet of heavy fabric twice over the top of that.

I don't really have much of a plan on paper, so I just look at it when I get out there and start working, so I've had to re do multiple areas or scrap ideas halfway through a few times. If I had to guess I'd say maybe 80 hours so far.

It weighs 40-50 right now with no pole, hood, or pump. I didn't weigh it before but I cut about 15lb off of it.

I'm glad you are curious about the process, I always have been but noone really posts the little details and steps of the process that seem boring and insignificant, but the truth is this whole process is just a ton of baby steps, and you don't have to be a pro to do it. All you need is the guys to chop up your ski, a little general knowledge of epoxy and fiberglass, a lot of sandpaper, and the ability to function with tiny shards of glass in your hands and arms everyday lol.

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I feel like human sandpaper! Also I get hot out there so I don't wear shoes, so the tops of my feet get dusted with it too. I run an vaccum the whole time I'm sanding but it still gets everywhere. On that note has anyone used anything besides tape to get it off of you? I saw a hair removal goo made if sugar that would work if I could weaken the formula, but I don't want to mess up and yank out all my arm hair.

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All of the interior glass work is done so I threw all the main components in to check the fit. (Except the gas tank) it will take a little fengshui to get it all in there, but should be pretty quick. The pump and ride plate went on just fine. After seeing how far the pump sticks out in wish I left the plate a little longer, but I'll get a new one if I need. I also need to figure out where to put the ebox.

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
its worth it to buy suits. harbor freight are okay but fastenal are much better for just a few dollars more. you can dust yourself and wear the suit a bunch of times.
For those unfamiliar the process of fitting a pipe is beating it with a hammer and cutting your hull back open...

As for the suits... it's like 100 degrees in my garage. I'd rather deal with the itching.

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