Freestyle Bun hull build (maxx hull)

This is the first hull I have seen with the extra intake tract like that. Freaks don't have them for sure. Neat idea.
Been on the BUNs for a bit. Helps to keep pump fed when off horizontal plane level. Newest Rickter looks to be inspired by it too. If it holds up it could definitely turn out to be a viable contender imo due to what seems to be better, IE cheaper, access to it compared to a BUN. Good luck OP and have fun
It from a local hardware store it has a IP number of 67 ( scale of how water tight it is 70 beeing hights) you Can finde them on ebay look for enclosure, i have about 25 USD into this one.
The box I used came from Allied Electrical online or maybe Amazon. Both offer myriads of sizes, materials of construction, seal ratings, and paint or powder coated. I used a heavy duty die cast box with an oring around the perimeter of the lid that seals.
Soo i am back from the olie rig, and ready too get this build on its way. Wanted the engine bay too bee white soo tappede/masked and ear pluggede everything. image.jpg
And then gave it 2 times gelcoat and soo fare its looking good.image.jpg
When doging this i realyst that ther is no, insert for the PFP champer. This boat is setup for the bun exhaust whith stock superjet waterbox. Yes inserts Can bee made for the PFP, but now you know.
Yes sandpapir grit 120, first coat off gel looked realy bad. Second one was mush better, i think you Can use a painter air spray i did not have one. Soo i used a brush
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