well im still waiting on a couple of key parts but i decided to fit the pipe
lets say anyone who says "im going to throw a pfp in" is in for a rude awakening, this has been a b!atch to install, its in.. but strapping etc has been .. erm fun??
i was planning on running a 3 gal jazz tank, but unfortunately in the rok that aint going to happen, hood wont close... so its back to the 9ltr cark tank.. from what i understand the pfps are thirsty and with dual 48s i will be spending some time refuelling!
as you can see everything is tight, water box is not sitting at the angle i wanted but the hose will "help" to pull that back, to get the compound angle for the chamber to exit the manifold and then enter the water box it makes the filter/flow valve assembly very close to the underide of the nose at the front
and no to add insult to injury i cant even put the kart tank in at the mo as i dont have long enough straps left :banghead:
the way the chamber has to be strapped in the rok to create these angles im worried will put too much side load on the motor, i guess we will see
but at the moment i dont have my domes in so i had to throw the head on with a couple of the girdle nuts as without bolting it down the pipe once strapped was pulling the cylinder over