Got the ski together enough to test it, ran and sounded good at the shop, starter relay craps out at the lake... classic, I always have some sort of electrical issue first ride from everything sitting all winter and just using crappy old used parts from whatever I can "borrow" it from you would think I would learn my lesson and just buy good oem parts but the chit is soo expensive... On a better note I was suppppper happy I didn't have any crazy vibrations in the drive line since I had to use a bunch of shims on the pump and every single mounting insert in this hull has been replaced, along with a couch shaft I shortened. The 155 pump is a tough job to get in a 144 tunnel. Like I didn't do enough glass work on this thing but it would have made it easier if I had modded the tunnel a bit. I had to make a steering cable extender and grind the bottom of the pump and ride plate a bit to get it to all fit. I drilled through the top turn nozzle mount in the trim ring into the reduction nozzle and ran a tap through so the threads matched up and used a longer bolt to lock the oem trim ring at a neutral position. I also have some wiring to redo. I normally buy the nice shrink wrap with the glue in it but princess auto had a kit on sale but the stuff is garbage, might as well of left the wire open.... that's what you get for cheapin out. Forgot to take and engine bay pic but the H20 flow box sounds awesome compared to stock waterbox. I should have a relay by next week, stay tuned for the ride report