Dude, Im 20 have 2 1/2 years of college under my belt, granted paid for by my parents, I know a lot of ppl don't. Anyways, really unless you are highly motivated or talented your not going to find a job without atleast 4 years. Actually let me rephrase, yes you can find a decent job and make good money for an early 20 yr old into 30, but remember this work may be hard labor or you may just not like it in a few years. Then what do you do, youra 30 yr old with no college and a lil background in this and that, woopdy doo, you can cut grass, have some knowledge of plants shrubs, and some heavy machinery, that aint chit (btw not pointed towards you just in general), like me I have minor auto body work, I can paint good, detail anything, I can install a simple kitchen from working for my dad, and minor drafting, aint chit still. My point here from rambling is this, you NEED money to retire some day and before that you dont wanna dig holes when your 45, thats what the illegals are for, so Id do whatever you can right now to scrape by, GO TO SCHOOL try for full time, and ride your ski some weeknights in the summer and of course weekends. Thats what im doing right now, ya I have no money 800 bucks in credit card debt, but Im getting a degree in business and wont have to deal with the BS i deal with now working a 8.65 an hr job. My plans may be changing soon tho, my girlfriend of 4 years goes to school in San Francisco and not coming back here, I may move there work my arse off for a year, then finish my maybe 2 years of school once I get residency.