Chop shop time.

Yep @nateD did the snx hull and crushed it... give yourself at least a few says to read through his build post, it eventually gets crazy lol

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Ya.... I think I'm going to be a good boy this year and ask Santa for a carter b nose rocker kit

So you guys convinced me into going all out and I decided to peel out the old tray. I started with a punch and hammer, had a few adult beverages and then the grinder came out. I'm super surprised how good it actually came out. Also it's so damn light now. What so you guys suggest for tray size? Should I make them small to keep the weight down? Should I just drill 2 holes on a back and call it a day, hope that my bilge pump and pump out the water?

So I just got my ADA griddles head, straight bars and tommy foot holds so I'm getting back to cutting up the ski. I'm going to most likely cut up the tray to remove the foam. I wanted to ask the people out there that have done this, is the ping pong ball method actually good and worth doing? Also what type of foam should I use to fill it back in? Thanks for the help . I figured that I'd do this while I install the foot holds and cut off the back of my ski
I finally got some time today to screw around with the ski again. The foam is so water logged that one piece the size of my fist weighted about 10 lbs. I've got to cut the deck out and fill it with new foam or a combo of foam and ping pong balls. But what do you guys thing, do you think I cut enough off? lol


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So I got back to working on the ski again after a few road blocks that stopped my progress. Everything went well on the left side. I got the tray all cut up and cut the foam for the foot hold, I even made the tray a little wider by cutting the foam out. And then I ran into this problem:
So today I slid the exhaust out and was almost thinking about having it come out of the front like the Kawi X2's have it and just filling the tunnel with foam. Has anyone done that before? Can anyone see an issue that this can cause?


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
So today I slid the exhaust out and was almost thinking about having it come out of the front like the Kawi X2's have it and just filling the tunnel with foam. Has anyone done that before? Can anyone see an issue that this can cause?

I would advise against it. Every front exhaust ski I have ever ridden ends up with inhaling exhaust fumes. Rear exhaust is the way to go in my opinion. If nothing else, don't do it until you can ride somebody's old 440, 550, or X2 with front exhaust and experience it for yourself.


Buy a Superjet
Pressure washer will help get all the foam out of your tray
Lower the exhaust tube in the tray so your footholds fit properly
Use the hard pink foam at homedepot for your tray.
Make your own rockerd nose.
you can also slightly clearance your holds to clear the exhaust. I just cut a little spot from my holds and reglassed it on my RN SJ, you cant even tell once it was all padded and turfed up. the holds also look really far forward.
you can also slightly clearance your holds to clear the exhaust. I just cut a little spot from my holds and reglassed it on my RN SJ, you cant even tell once it was all padded and turfed up. the holds also look really far forward.

I was looking at a bunch of truck skis and every one of them has them super close to the front. That's why I did it that way too. I'm also thing about taking more off of the back. I haven't decided yet because I don't know if I really want to have just 2 bolts holding my ride plate in it's position.

The way I'm thinking of maybe reshaping it:


Buy a Superjet
I would leave them forward. Keeps you from riding around nose high. You are going to want to shorten your pole though.


Buy a Superjet
What about for back flipping? Does it make it harder? This is the end goal with this build

The only way you are going to flip this ski is behind a v-wake or in the ocean off a wave. It just isn't going to happen, unless you plan on spending another 10k or so on mods and a 1200cc engine. There is a thread/video on here where a guy chopped his SJ as small as possible and still couldn't flat water flip it with a 900. Unless you plan on riding in the surf i wouldn't bother rockering the front either.
I know that this isn't going
To be a flat water flipper, but I was hoping to get it to flip on boat wakes. And on stormy days, we do get some pretty decent swells in the Great Lakes so I'm hoping that will work lol. But when I get back from the other side of the world, I'll cut out my tray/ foam and start fiber glassing.
Also, 701 bored out to a 740 - 760 with a Ada 33mm dome head, you think that won't produce enough to get this thing upside down? I will be putting a b-pipe in it but I just need the bank to fill up with money before I go and do that.


Buy a Superjet
Also, 701 bored out to a 740 - 760 with a Ada 33mm dome head, you think that won't produce enough to get this thing upside down? I will be putting a b-pipe in it but I just need the bank to fill up with money before I go and do that.

It will get upside down. With trim you could flip it off a decent wave/swell. It is not going to be easy though and going to take a lot of practice.
Ya I have a CAT trim kit I think it's called, that I Modded by griding it down and getting more of an angle out of it. lol.
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