Competition Questions

I'm a big fan of the 2 rider format. Lots more action than just one guy at a time. Spectators what action. 2 riders at a time doubles that.
I'm not a fan of the required trick idea though. I'd hate to see jetskiing turn into an Olympic style of judging. It doesn't promote progression at all.
Rhonda had a good idea of having judges judge specific things, like one judge for amplitude, one for style, one for innovation, # of tricks, ect ect. Judges scores should also be posted on what they score each rider. (no hiding on what they scored to who and promotes accountability)


"I just wanna go fast" RB
Herriman Utah
I dont know if anyone has touched on this idea, as i have not read this thread in some time. but what about scoreing wave selection for the general surf riding, ie reentries, floaters and such as if in a surfing competition ? adds a little more to it than just hitting a wave and going? now seeing this is coming from me and i live in Utah a self proclaimed desert, i have no idea how all you surf riders will take it. as for two people at once great idea, more action, and they will push each other good for competition. how do they judge surfing competition, has anyone looked into that idea with what they look for and what they use as scoreing, and what they judge? just my .02


Ride hard, put away wet!
Well, my biggest concern is not having head to head elimination style heats. This is how the ASP (surfing) scores their competitions. You have to understand wind, wave size, tide, etc. all change dramatically throughout the day. I have first hand experience in the judging tower of two large freeride comps, one was the 2005 Oceanside FWA comp where i announced, and the other was the Pismo Competition this past October when i was one of 3 judges. Ill tell you what... i was not impressed and very disapointed at how judging went at the oceanside competion. This particular competition and most are judged individual scores and compared at the end of the round to figure who advances. This is okay if its freestyle BMX where the jumps and dirt condition dont change all day (unless it rains!!). I saw accomplished riders not advance because there were hardly any decent waves in their 10 min heat. That is fing frustrating to a rider. We are not god we can not control the elements, we have to work with them in this sport and figure out fair judging.
Im a big advocate of ELIMINATION STYLE HEATS. With double elimination everyone gets a chance to advance. 2 Riders per heat are judged against each other and the conditions they are dealt with... not against someone who got excellent set waves while they only recieved the biggest lull of the day.


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
I didn't have the time to read this whole thread but I wanted to share my experience with judged events. I use to do snowboard freestyle contests and the Jam Session format was the best. It is really simple. Everyone in the event judges each other. It was pretty easy in halfpipe events because as you hiked back up the pipe you got to see all the other riders doing their runs. For a surf event you could just send one guy out at a time while the rest watched his run. You could line everyone up and give them 5 minutes each then flag them in for a break and send out the next guy. Give everyone 2 or 3 runs and it would be pretty sweet. Then directly after hand out some scoring sheets and get the riders to score each other in a simple 1-4 for a 5 guys heat so they aren't judgng themselves. Make up a bunch of 5 guy heats and send the top guys to the finals. A final round of 3 or 5 will determine the events finishers. Have a semifinal round if you want final standing further back in the pack.

This way there are no "cumpulsory" tricks and the guy that impresses everyone he is riding with will be the winner. Then there is no problem with the judging being crappy and not knowing what is up.

If you want to split up the levels of riders I would just have a class that can do anything including inverted tricks and another class that can do anythng BUT inverted tricks. The sick surf rider guys that don't get excited about flipping would rip it up in the non inverted class and the stuntmen could go out and do backflips over the pier.

An example of the Jam Session format that is being used succesfully is the Red Bull 5X (Five By) surf event. They use specific criteria for the surfers to judge each other on and they film they event and judge each other from the film after. It adds a little more to the show having the foottage on display after they are out of the water.

This is the score card they give to the surfers for judging each other.

I would also love to see a class for the sport class guys on blasters and stuff but I would be fine riding my X2 with superjets and H20 conversion sj's too. But It would be a little weird having Blasters in the mixed bag. Although Jerry and the Vissers do pretty much the same tricks on whatever they ride.
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Ride hard, put away wet!
ya you cant have blasters run with standups, but converted sjs is just a mod and should still be in stand up class


X Team Jetsons
I think it is good to have some events on the east coast. To make people attend there has to be advertising. If we could get hydro turf or any other company can do a comercial would be good for us and them. They need to air it in the area the event is in. For entering have diffrent classes for your skill level. Also, Its just an idea. But have a blaster trophy.
hey guys whats up. Im new this year to the jet ski world, and ive fallen in love with my superjet. I ride up in new hampshire with legdragger and im hooked, anyways i think this three events a year thing on the east coast is the balls. 4 months apart. thats awesome, it will give everybody time in between to get better. thanks-eric


this is just dialog at this point...

Ya dude ! I/We wanted to get opinions for all different aspects of what people would want to see. I think we are going to have a chat about this more in Daytona !


So what ended up with this thread?? Sorry if its a stupid question.

I need to meet with township still... LOL, been running like a mad man and have not had time. I will get over there and see what I can put together... It is going to be alot harder than I thought originally...
But I will see what I can do.
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