Custom Made Freestyle Hulls


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Ok, here's my dilema. I would like to get a feel for how many of you out there are interested in buying a custom made stand up hull to build up ( and I'm talking serious buyers, who actually will be building up a ski ).

I've built some, and have the molds, ready to produce more. For what price would you considder purchasing a hull? Let's say for conversation sake that it will be fiberglass and weight about 90Lbs. What would you say is reasonable enough to plunk down your hard earned cash?

Since we're at it, what features are essential to you when you're shopping for your next hull?



steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
There are a few reputable builders out there. You should probably check out what they have to offer, and for what price.

Check out: (HA!)

Also, Head Enterprises seems to build hulls - no website though.
There's a french company that builds carbon and carbon prepreg hulls, but I cannot think of the name.

I am not sure....but it seems the market for aftermarket freestyle hulls isn't that great, especially considering the relatively big mix of quality builders already in existence.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
I know about all the other builders out there.
I really want feedback from the guys who are going to build skiis. Some of us look at the hulls that are available, and for some reason or another, we just can't commit to purchasing them. Some for the price, others for the features.
I would rather produce a hull with the features that we want in our own ski, and at a price we can all deem affordable enough to buy.
So please, if you're REALLY in the market for a hull, I want to hear from you.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
If I were looking for a's what I'd look for:

1.) Proven Quality - it has to stand up to heavy abuse.
2.) Light weight - it has to weigh less than 90lbs (my reinforced stocker is 120)
3.) Price - no more than 4k
4.) Features - included footholds would be nice, a hood to match (perhaps not included in price) would be great. Fit & finish should be excellent. Variable motor mounts that allow mounting of the standard Yamaha 62T platform as well as the 66E platform and the Polaris twin platform.
5.) Pumpshoe able to accept 144-155 mm pumps.
I know about all the other builders out there.
I really want feedback from the guys who are going to build skiis. Some of us look at the hulls that are available, and for some reason or another, we just can't commit to purchasing them. Some for the price, others for the features.
I would rather produce a hull with the features that we want in our own ski, and at a price we can all deem affordable enough to buy.
So please, if you're REALLY in the market for a hull, I want to hear from you.

its great to see another person step up and create something different, but my only concern is the bolded text above.... each person is gonna want different features aqnd everyone's budget is different.... so affordability is a subjective matter. just my two cents..... i am going through a similar dilemna with a engine management system for 4 strokes so i know what you are feeling with the features vs. price when it comes to buying decisions

Grand Rapids, MI
There's a lot of hull builders out there right now, if you're a no-name builder you'll first have to show off your work (pics?) and then you'll have to price it significantly below what others are selling their hulls for. At least till you get a reputation.

My .02...


I am getting ready to put an order in with Jeff at Waterdawgs. I am going to have several one off options on this boat. It will be a fiberglass version and weigh in at about 90lbs for $3500


Jersey Shore
its great to see another person step up and create something different, but my only concern is the bolded text above.... each person is gonna want different features aqnd everyone's budget is different.... so affordability is a subjective matter. just my two cents..... i am going through a similar dilemna with a engine management system for 4 strokes so i know what you are feeling with the features vs. price when it comes to buying decisions

Check into the megasquirt.
Price is also going to be depending on materials used. Carbon is impossible to find, so that price would be high. Epoxy Resin? Polyester Resin? Vinylester Resin? chopped matt, woven matt, knytex, kevlar? Theres way too many variables. Also, you have to think about about Delivery. You dont want to promise people something, and then have it take 3 or 4 months to build it. I'm just curious to see pictures.


makin' legs
Price is also going to be depending on materials used. Carbon is impossible to find, so that price would be high. Epoxy Resin? Polyester Resin? Vinylester Resin? chopped matt, woven matt, knytex, kevlar? Theres way too many variables. Also, you have to think about about Delivery. You dont want to promise people something, and then have it take 3 or 4 months to build it. I'm just curious to see pictures.

Carbon is readily available. Prices are up some, but supply is catching up with demand again. I ordered 200 lbs yesterday and my supplier had no problem with the order. I'll receive drops of 50 lbs quarterly. Most suppliers are asking for a forecast for a year out so they can plan accordingly. The major crunch of last year has passed for the time being and the more you buy, the easier it is to keep supplied.:biggthumpup: Prices(for me) are only up about $10.00/lb over 8 years ago, so it could be a lot worse.



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Cleveland Ohio
I would need pictures and no that someone good like pancake or slutty abused the hell out of it without it breaking. I would want footholds (like the new waterdog ones) and a scupper built in. Weight isn't so much of an issue with me... I also would want it to have a custom look (not like every other superjet).


I would need pictures and no that someone good like pancake or slutty abused the hell out of it without it breaking. I would want footholds (like the new waterdog ones) and a scupper built in. Weight isn't so much of an issue with me... I also would want it to have a custom look (not like every other superjet).

Sounds like you are contenplating a Waterdawg hull DJ :haha: :headbang:


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
This is actually some great feedback, everyone.
I will try to post a couple pics on saturday of the carbon ski I am riding. I didn't try to make anything wild and different. It's a copy of the SXIpro with a reshaped pump intake.
My original goal was for a friend and I to have VERY light skis. We built two carbon SXIpro's, and they worked great.
Now I want to go a bit further, and make some fiberglass versions that can be modified and strengthened easily.
I want to have it foothold ready, and have multiple motor mount positions. Ideally I could offer something with options that could be added easily during costruction, like wide rails, and tubbie style sponsons.
Keep the input coming. What's discussed here could end up on your next ski.
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