there are so many people wanting so many different things . you got back flip hulls ,race hulls , flat water hulls , freeride hulls . kawasaki engines ,yamaha , polaris . different engine .from all those . scupper no scupper, foot hold how light . what material carbon ,kevlar ,fiberglass.
the problemn is not if people want them . it is do they need them for the money and can you make it custom enough for what they are willing to pay were you still make enough money .
my idea is make the new kawasaki x2 if its not going to come to the u.s. and make it so you can put the sxr right in it with a few extra parts and keep it under 4000-5000 then youll get some sales with out any competition for now . you do that and ill buy one . the other is how fast can you turn them out . good luck .
i buy about 5 wamiltons a year and everytime its a long wait to get them sometimes 4 months it should be like one month .
if you could make like a plug and play system that is best for . like kawa bottom with yam top or vice versa you take and order and put what you need by request that way no 2 are the same or they can be .