Custom Made Freestyle Hulls

just food for thought.... if u are planning on using the name Carbon Creations, there is already and established company based in california using that name..... may want to give them a ring.... they do body kits and stuff for cars, if you send them a mold they might be able to have a quicker turnaround time for you production needs


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
No, I had no intentions of using someone elses name. Without more interest from people wanting a hull, I will not even bother to build any more hulls, except for myself and friends.
As things stand now I may build one and hand it off to a good freestyle rider to compete on for awhile. It would be a good torture test.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i would be interested but the price to get them here to aussie is what i get upset about

i would want to know how much we are talking about
I have also seen some of the hoods that have been made by some of the manafatuers out there and i have to say they are crap not all but some are

that worries me to


I had a vision!
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s florida
I would just reccommend that you make one and let some crazy, insane surf rider...I mean Pancaker put it to the test.

These hulls are way too much work to sell cheap. Unless you can sub it out to some 3rd world country
just my .02!


after having one of these Its going to be hard to ever ride something else. IMO. MY WCF Hull is strait up, Un beatable.. NO Doubt !:hail: :Banane01:

Good Luck on your quest ! :biggthumpup:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
i am looking into light weight (flatwater hulls) range is $4500 to $13,500 complete w/ hood from reputable builers. What materials and quality ?????? Polyester or Vyniester or epoxy resin? SO ON AND SO ON.


Shootin' The Crap
i am looking into light weight (flatwater hulls) range is $4500 to $13,500 complete w/ hood from reputable builers. What materials and quality ?????? Polyester or Vyniester or epoxy resin? SO ON AND SO ON.

I'll let my Wamilton's boat go for $13,500 as is. :bigeyes:

Team Scream 5mm stroker and everything...

BTW, I "ordered" a WCF hull on Friday---well, I guess it will be ordered when Steve gets the cashier's check in the mail...:sneaky:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I'll let my Wamilton's boat go for $13,500 as is. :bigeyes:

Team Scream 5mm stroker and everything...

BTW, I "ordered" a WCF hull on Friday---well, I guess it will be ordered when Steve gets the cashier's check in the mail...:sneaky:

Well, the $13,500 would be a deal for your complete boat, if I hacd it to spend. The $13,500 was Blowsions high dollar carbon fiber hull. Not even considering it. Good move on the WCF hull I think, what will total #'s be w/ hood and nose pc. ?


User Title Unavailable
Put something together on an SJ platform and buy the engines and electricals and pump, and put it all together for a little over the stock SJ price and I'd bet you'd move some serious product there.

I've never even considered looking at an A/M hull. Way too expensive for me. It would need to be $1500 at max for me to be able to afford, and I doubt anyone could humanely produce one that cheaply. And still have it be stronger then stock

there are so many people wanting so many different things . you got back flip hulls ,race hulls , flat water hulls , freeride hulls . kawasaki engines ,yamaha , polaris . different engine .from all those . scupper no scupper, foot hold how light . what material carbon ,kevlar ,fiberglass.
the problemn is not if people want them . it is do they need them for the money and can you make it custom enough for what they are willing to pay were you still make enough money .
my idea is make the new kawasaki x2 if its not going to come to the u.s. and make it so you can put the sxr right in it with a few extra parts and keep it under 4000-5000 then youll get some sales with out any competition for now . you do that and ill buy one . the other is how fast can you turn them out . good luck .
i buy about 5 wamiltons a year and everytime its a long wait to get them sometimes 4 months it should be like one month .
if you could make like a plug and play system that is best for . like kawa bottom with yam top or vice versa you take and order and put what you need by request that way no 2 are the same or they can be .

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
if i were looking for something i'd think along the lines of the same as the SJ, with foothold, built in front sponsons, built in rear hull extenders, not that long though
a drain like the SXR
a fire extinguisher compartment like the old kawi 650sx
a nice hood like the 24-7 i have now
hand holds in the rear quarters of the ski, makes moving on/off the trailer easier
multiple water routing holes, rear exhaust
maybe also front footholds for various rider hieghts in the tray
re-enforced hull
trued hull
possible a wider tray area, like that of the Octane
solid front nose so it wont crack on any front stabs

these fit my desire of what i would want or see in a hull
outside fuel filling too
and maybe even handholds in the front of the hull too
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
if i were looking for something i'd think along the lines of the same as the SJ, with foothold, built in front sponsons, built in rear hull extenders, not that long though
a drain like the SXR
a fire extinguisher compartment like the old kawi 650sx
a nice hood like the 24-7 i have now
hand holds in the rear quarters of the ski, makes moving on/off the trailer easier
multiple water routing holes, rear exhaust
maybe also front footholds for various rider hieghts in the tray
re-enforced hull
trued hull
possible a wider tray area, like that of the Octane
solid front nose so it wont crack on any front stabs

these fit my desire of what i would want or see in a hull
outside fuel filling too
and maybe even handholds in the front of the hull too

Hull extensions? So you want a race hull? I would think the sxr would be better for that?
I've seen two posts asking about the types of resin used, and I was wondering the differences between the types of resin. Is one lighter/stronger/more durable than the others?



V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
I've seen two posts asking about the types of resin used, and I was wondering the differences between the types of resin. Is one lighter/stronger/more durable than the others?


For my carbon parts I use mostly epoxy resin, which is strong and durable, yet rather expensive.

For fiberglass ( and some cosmetic carbon items) I use polyester resin, which is cheaper ( about $20 a gallon ). Poly is fairly stiff, but can prove to be more brittle in thin parts.

Vinylester resin is a good compromise between strength and flexibility. It's a bit more expensive than poly, but not as costly as epoxy.



IHMO, something we could all afford to just transfer all uour superjet parts into for about 1500-2000 would be awesome. i just cant afford 4k for just a hull when i could buy a fully built SJ for that price. that's my .02
I agree with saki here. There are quite a few options for aftermarket hulls these days and not that many folks out there to market to, relatively speaking. If you could produce something that all the average superjet riding Joes could swap into, there may be a little more of a market there.

Like waterfreak said though, building quality hulls is a lot of work to be selling cheap. It's a niche within a niche market.
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