my opinion as a person who has been in manufacturing for 15 years, so take it as you want....
The the problem w/ making quality parts in this buisness, is market is just not big enough and there is not enough money in this sport to fund a decent R&D program... Christ, why would someone spend $100,000.00 (or whatever) to design a perfect hull, unbreakable hull that weighs 40lbs when they will only sell enough to pay for the electric bill at the manufacturing facility??? That is just not gonna keep the doors open
IMO there are enough replica hulls available already, they just need to be refined, expanded upon and prices lowered... I don't know too much about running a buisness, but to me, it would seem like a bad thing to have so many different hulls available, when the industy doesn't have a market for them... In turn you just have more companies selling less product, making each company less able to expand or make money on their efforts.. I may be wrong, but it's just a way of thinking about it... I understand flooding the market makes things cheaper too, but look at the WAL MART philosophy... they have forced all these company's to have their stuff made in China just to compete... (basicly trying to run companies out of buisness and making company's make products of less quality).
It just looks like our sport is too small for the latest in technology... Imagine if we had money like F1?? We could really make quality parts that will last, be light weight and made to a standard we can't even imagine.. Actaully there is one hull out there that almost lives up to those standards... the Light-Weight hull and it's $13k (before delivery)