Daytona carnage

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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Yea I see the bright side too. I had a killer session on that left buoy Friday before it happened so I'm grateful!

This is my first knee injury ever. Sucks to have to get cut in to for the first time ever. But airgramps and all you others assured me I will be ripping again soon!

That sucks Matt. Been There. 2 surgeries same knee. Miniscus.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
How you feel now?

First surgery was at age 12. No Scope back then.
Second was in 97. Scoped - cleaned out scar tissue and small tear - piece had torn off at the edge of the previous location.

I have had to go back for some therapy 2 or 3 times since then. My current orthopedic surgeon is not a fan of surgery, he believes more in building up your muscles to help support the damaged areas. If I have not been on the bike or anything it will sometimes start to get aggrevated, get back on the bike or ride the ski. Knee will stop hurting.

After your surgery it is going to suck, the therapy is not fun, but no matter what you do, do the therapy plus the therapy they tell you to do at home. Dont stop when they tell you to. After my 2nd surgery I did not follow through as well as I should have, had to go back in and do therapy all over again.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I wanna know how E Rok Wilbs ski broke right there... That's a REALLY strong area where it broke!! On the plus side, a nice scarf repair that extends out about 2-3 inches on either side will make that ski perfect again.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
After your surgery it is going to suck, the therapy is not fun, but no matter what you do, do the therapy plus the therapy they tell you to do at home. Dont stop when they tell you to. After my 2nd surgery I did not follow through as well as I should have, had to go back in and do therapy all over again.

Ditto on the therapy. I was told that the outcome of my back surgery depended more on the therapy after than the actual surgery. The only downside was that the therapist wasn't as hot as I had hoped....

I managed to do this on Friday, lasted four long days of me beating the day lights out of it so I guess I'm not too upset. It cracked on both sides and went right through the bottom deck as well. The funny part is that we were just talking on Thursday night how long we thought the hull would last. I thought it was easily going to last until this summer but I guess I was wrong.

It finally cracked on a roll, was a horrible sound and motor died immediately. I'm pretty lucky that the only thing that broke was the hull and rubber dampener. I don't know what I am going to do for a hull now but I need to figure it out sooner than later.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL

I managed to do this on Friday, lasted four long days of me beating the day lights out of it so I guess I'm not too upset. It cracked on both sides and went right through the bottom deck as well. The funny part is that we were just talking on Thursday night how long we thought the hull would last. I thought it was easily going to last until this summer but I guess I was wrong.

It finally cracked on a roll, was a horrible sound and motor died immediately. I'm pretty lucky that the only thing that broke was the hull and rubber dampener. I don't know what I am going to do for a hull now but I need to figure it out sooner than later.

Should have held on to my old hull!


So long and thanks for all the fish
no injury reports all weekend long...

except egos while doing front flips trying to beach our skis. Me and probably 1/2 the people there did it. I saw one guy end up t-boned on the nads by his pole---he just laid there for a few, then got off and I thought he was going to puke.
my buddy chad tore his ACL..hes bummed bigtime :crutches:

:):):):)... tell him I said get well...

except egos while doing front flips trying to beach our skis. Me and probably 1/2 the people there did it. I saw one guy end up t-boned on the nads by his pole---he just laid there for a few, then got off and I thought he was going to puke.

I saw so many people do that too....
except egos while doing front flips trying to beach our skis. Me and probably 1/2 the people there did it. I saw one guy end up t-boned on the nads by his pole---he just laid there for a few, then got off and I thought he was going to puke.



Virginia Beach
Matt, I had to have lateral release surgery on my knee after Daytona 07. I also had a big scare just this past Sunday that I *really* hope is not my ACL. I'm waiting for the swelling to go down before I see a doc. I'd recommend reading/posting on rather than simply listening to an ortho or two.

Knees are nothing to :):):):) around with but with the right attention and lots of PT, you'll be aight.


Old, but still ridin'!!!
I've had two scopes on the right (Meniscus/Partial ACL and Lateral Release) and one on the left (ACL/MCL). The ACL/MCL and Lateral release were pieces of cake. Had surgery on Wednesday both times and was walking without crutches by Monday.


Hey Matt, how'd ya like the "tests" the doc did on it? :bump:
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