Daytona... How could it have been better for you????



retroicon said:
Alright ... I'll shut up then because it doesn't seem like anyone wants to hear it ... actually, screw that.

All I'm trying to say is ... if you want freeride to get to the point that we see X-Games type exposure, someone's going to have to step it up and that's what I'm thinking.

You guy may not know this, but I've been riding since 1994, and raced for over 8 years. I know what the sport was, is, and where it's going. I'm not just some random guy trying to make a buck on this ... what I'm trying to do is get back to the point where we don't keep losing companies like Westcoast, Ocean Pro, PJS, Butch's, R & R Jet Tech, Bad Bones, etc ... and I personally think freeride is more likely to do that than racing.

And, I did put money in the pockets of the guys there. I picked up turf from Laurel on site, and purchased X-Metal products from Steve at Watercraft factory. I also have a pole from pat, steve's hoodkit, etc. That being said ... other than Paul, unless I'm searching I have no damn idea who the other sponsors were ... and it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out when these guys stepped up to make the event what it was.

I also never suggested "sanctioning" the event, I just thought a little more organization to make sure the sponsors get their props would help. Like I said, I shouldn't have to search to find out who they were. I should have a bag of stuff in the garage, catalogs, and stickers to throw on the ski.

Yes ... riders remember, but they won't remember if they don't know who to remember in the first place.

Look, I knew my post wouldn't be popular, and that's alright ... I love riding and have no problem keeping this a garage sport because I never plan on competing again ... but it sure would be nice to see another stand-up somewhere other than the times the guys from PWCtoday, or here plan a get together.

Big stuff is going to hit the sport. Just wait, you will see.
Also thank you for your input. Very much Appreciated. :wink:


salty nuts
coastal GA
I would HATE to see what insurance would cost for something like this. There is maximum potential for an injury and possible lawsuit. Not that it would ever happen with our great group, but the ins. co. has to charge assuming that it can. :scared:
I checked and even Dog & Cat shows & auto shows are around $350 for $1mil liability. That's just spectators walking around looking at stuff.


we would need a sanctioning body to put up the insurance, then it would be a competition= no fun IMO


Yeah ... sanctioning isn't the way to go for something like this right now, but sponsors getting notice for stepping up is always a good thing in my opinion.

I'm going to have two freshly painted machines in about a month, and no stickers to throw on the machines ... I thought I'd have been loaded after an event like this.

Anyway, that's all for me on this thread.


retroicon said:
Yeah ... sanctioning isn't the way to go for something like this right now, but sponsors getting notice for stepping up is always a good thing in my opinion.

I'm going to have two freshly painted machines in about a month, and no stickers to throw on the machines ... I thought I'd have been loaded after an event like this.

Anyway, that's all for me on this thread.

There was tons of Stickers at the event. just need to go grab them.
If you want more. I have a ton, plus Abe can cut you anything He cuts a lot for the events.
as well as others, from Ollie to north to sidesatage, and others.
Thank you guys !:headbang:


Hooked on the Jamz
My 2 cents added in purple.

retroicon said:
Well ... the event was good, but since you're actually asking for a few ideas on what you could do, I'll chime in based on what a few people told me on site, and what I would like to see happen in the future.

Now I'm going to warn you ... I'm a marketer, so this is coming from a somewhat commercial point of view, and the reason for that is, freeriders seem to be somewhat anti-commercial, but without the sponsors making some bucks, this sport won't grow any.

1. Swap meet of some kind for sure. I picked up an X-2 from Dan, a motor from Ollie, some parts from Steve, and Turf from Laurel ... it probably would have picked up a lot more stuff if there'd been a place to do it.Not sure why you need a designated place for that. I don't really see anyone wanting to sit at a booth or something all day instead of riding.

2. I know you wanted to help out the local charity, which was cool, but I'd like to see more of a tie-in with the companies sponsoring the event so it's a win-win. Maybe have them chip in a few bucks and then have a registration fee of some kind for riders who want a "sponsor pack". Then, charge the people who show up like $25 - $50 to cover the "sponsor pack", which does two things. ANOTHER 25-50 bucks?! This was supposed to make the ride better?

First, it helps you pay for the food sponsors etc ... with most people coming from out of town, it really doesn't make sense for local food sponsors to hook you up free, and it shouldn't come out of your pocket. If pancake pete would post his paypal address, I'll bet he'll be reimbursed... and then some by people who had the pizza that he paid for.

Second, it's a second way to generate some cash to hook up the people at the hotel who were killer ( and I didn't even stay, I'm local ), you could also give the beach crew a few bucks.

The sponsors pay a few bucks to include something of their choice in a bag that's given to everyone who shows up and registers. All the sponsors can throw in a catalog, maybe some type of product sample, stickers, whatever they want. Honestly, I don't even know who sponsored the event at this point ... which sort of sucks.

Also include a t-shirt and event sticker ... this makes it worth paying for ;) I got a t-shirt for two bucks (practically free- sidestage sure didn't make any money off that price) and Ollie is sending me some event stickers.. for free!

3. Have event T-Shirts for sale if you can ... even if it's just through a sponsor. I'd love to be able to walk around advertising freeride everywhere I go, and that's not going to happen if I have to take a marker and draw my own shirt. And, make it something you wouldn't be embarassed wearing around a group of younger kids ... they're the ones we need to help the sport grow. Were you there for the raffle? They had shirts for sale there.... 2 bucks!

4. I'd love to see some type of "sickest trick", "highest air", "build-off", or something like that. Maybe a few of each ... yeah, some kind of awards would be cool, but that would've been more work for some of the riders. More work= less fun

5. Did anyone contact the guys at the magazines that cover this industry? yepI know they're all over the couches, but I think we could have gotten some decent coverage if they knew who was going to be on site.

6. I'm not really even sure how to do this, but it'd be nice to have some better way to know who people are ... I know all the local guys, but didn't have a clue who anyone else was.Here's how I did it. I walked up to people and said, "Hi! I'm kawasakit2me!".yeah, kinda dorky... but it works!

Anyway, I don't want it to look like I'm bitching about the event, because it was the best we've seen in years ... but you asked. ;)

Sounds like you wanted something more like World Finals. I just don't see how it would have made the ride better for the people who showed up and rode.The kind of event you're talking about is the kind of event where you buy a bottled water for 4 dollars and spend all day walking around sweating with a handful of stickers that you'll never use.

I liked the grassroots feel of this ride... a lot! Much like people who got to see Led Zeppelin for $3.50 before anyone knew who they were....that was us at this ride.

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Whtbread said:
Do you know something your not telling us Pete?

We will just wait and see. Not counting Chickens, Ya know.... :Banane01:


kawasakit2me said:
My 2 cents added in purple.

Sounds like you wanted something more like World Finals. I just don't see how it would have made the ride better for the people who showed up and rode.The kind of event you're talking about is the kind of event where you buy a bottled water for 4 dollars and spend all day walking around sweating with a handful of stickers that you'll never use.

I liked the grassroots feel of this ride... a lot! Much like people who got to see Led Zeppelin for $3.50 before anyone knew who they were....that was us at this ride.


I don't know why it won't quote the whole reply ... but here goes.

1. The rule was "no money on the beach" ... and if you'd read my original post maybe you'd understand why I suggested it. As did others in this thread. With 100 riders this would have been a great place to clear out your garage/pick up stuff you need ...

2. Again ... I'm wondering if you even bothered to read what I wrote. Will spending more make the ride better? No ... will spending a little more help the sponsors more, put more in the hands of the charity, and help Nick/Pete/Everyone cover the expenses and make it worth their time .... Yes.

3. The point is ... it shouldn't have to be a scramble. Again, this was for IDEAS to improve it. In my opinion, someone who helped put on the event shouldn't be scrambling to get cheapskates to chip in for Pizza when it could have been taken care of in advance without him having to go out of pocket.

4. Yeah, I stopped by the table twice on Saturday and each time they were still getting organized. I was in the water, on the beach, and talking to other riders the rest of the day. So shoot me for making a suggestion ...

And personally, at $2 a shirt I think that's pretty ****ty of the riders. I sure as hell hope that people gave him $10-$20 and didn't bitch about it.

5. Yeah ... I got an event sticker, but I'd have liked to be buried in SPONSOR stickers. Got nothing from anyone else ...

6. I met a lot of people, but there just isn't time to walk up and introduce yourself to everyone if you're actually going to be in the water. I know a lot of people from the boards by screen names here, and it would have been nice to be able to pick a few people out and make sure you introduce yourself to them, rather than just walking around blindly hoping to meet someone that you've talked with for a few years ..

Look, as I said, I didn't exactly expect this to get a warm reception but what's with all the bitching and moaning?

There was a thread asking for suggestions about how to make the ride better, so I chimed in. No, my response wasn't something as intelligent as "Kick Ass Dude" ... maybe that's the problem. Try to actually answer the question and put in something useful and you get walked on ... Nice.

Did I want something like the finals ... nope. Just a few suggestions to make sure the sponsors get the exposure they deserve, and the organizers don't end up going out of pocket on stuff.

Nick said ... gimme some suggestions. "Rock on brother" isn't a suggestion ... guess it's my mistake for trying to actually say something useful.

Everyone acts as though "money" and "commercial" are bad words. I personally don't get why this site was created just because Rob & Bobbi split ... if you want the sport to grow, you have to keep it together, not continue fragmenting it. And, whether you like it or not, the sponsors of the sport have to get something out of it, or we'll just continue to see more companies go the way of Marnier, Sano, and the list I mentioned before ...

Yes, this was a freeride, and not a sanctioned event ... but there were "sponsors", right? They sponsored a freeride ... I get that, and I'm sure they do too and weren't expecting some multi-million dollar return, but damn, why is me recommending that I get a catalog from one of these companies at the event such a bad thing? Would that have killed anyone? Would it have killed anyone to put a few bucks towards food?


PancakePete said:
There was tons of Stickers at the event. just need to go grab them.
If you want more. I have a ton, plus Abe can cut you anything He cuts a lot for the events.
as well as others, from Ollie to north to sidesatage, and others.
Thank you guys !:headbang:

Already sent to NorthGraphics ...


retroicon said:
"Kick Arse Dude" ...
"Rock on brother"

Only thing is... That is my limit of vocab.
I am 2 brain cells short of a talking monkey... :wink:

About the food and other stuff, It was hard to Plan everything
and get all the areas covered. Good comments. We did our best
and because Nick started this thread... You just wait till next year. :headbang:

It is a little growing Pains.... I personally was tapped out with building
a boat, after X-mas and holidays, I was not about to throw more in
than I allready did. Rager we did catored food and open bar, that
Me and Paul paid for, in the love of the sport.
THat was not going to be possible with 4-5 times the amount of people.
40 people was easy, Nick bumped the whole Freeride level up.
Great stuff. I am so stoked to see what these "events" will become.
I do also have to say that some goodies from the sponsors are great.
I originally did that as a thank you for people coming out and promoting
my sponsors and others.... I do not want to commercialize this too much
but just enough. There is a happy balence.
The sponsors kick in a box of free goodies and for every box I get,
I buy a bunch of things to help support it..... :cool2: there is my
growing pains... It looks like more people are going to help
so looks like I will be spending less on the events, we can share.
However. I Loved doing the open bar at the rager. I got alot
of reward out of that..... like 40 drunk arse people. :1244: :1244: :1244:

That $2 a shirt was my fault, nick said 5 and I was the dumbass there.
I was Trying my damness to keep the FREE in Freeride. Sorry Nick !
After pitching into the Raffle and the food, I did not want people to
get pissed about it being an expensive Freeride....

I write more, later.
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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
retricon wrote:
Everyone acts as though "money" and "commercial" are bad words. I personally don't get why this site was created just because Rob & Bobbi split ... if you want the sport to grow, you have to keep it together, not continue fragmenting it. And, whether you like it or not, the sponsors of the sport have to get something out of it, or we'll just continue to see more companies go the way of Marnier, Sano, and the list I mentioned before ...

I just read thru your posts, You have many valid points. But I wanted to address this particular one myself. I was a big catilist in the creation of this site. I agree with you about the sport needs to unite & not fragment. But the thing that does need to happen is the freerider needs to have a special place to be heard. That is what the X is for. pwct is a great site for watercraft in general. Lots of politics & drama. which is good & I have said for many to keep going & be active there. The sport of Freeride is about to explode. The time had come for a place, for the like minded people, to have a unique voice to the sport. That is one of the main subjects we are trying to nurture here. The freerider is a differant animal, compared to a sitdown rider or racers in general. They all have their place, now we have ours.
The sponsors are the new breed of riders who are digging in their heels & pushing foward. most all of the sponsors of Daytona, are riders with an intrest in the sports success. Yes, we need to make money to survive. But we also need to enjoy what we are doing. The freerides are a way to accomplish both. Where else can everyday riders, get to hang with their favorite, Riders ,Builders, sponsors? In this sport you can. & you can pick up the phone the following week & talk to & order parts from that very same person & they know exactly what you need & why. One of your suggestions was a swap meet? Great suggestion! But here is a slightly differant view, the site has a classified. Since you have meet the seller at the ride, you will feel comfortable dealing with him on line & you don't have to worry about sitting behind a booth all day & missing your ride time?
I encourage you to keep posting your point of view. I for one am listening. I know others are also. Togeather, we will make the sport of freeride heard!!

ski ya, Paul


I had a vision!
Site Supporter
Vendor Account
s florida
Well said Paul!!:arms: I know I was A rider first before getting in the bussiness

I am also looking forward towards sponsoring many more of these events

Great job guys!


I just don't want to see anyone get screwed on the deal one way or the other ... because that will eventually lead to the demise of events like this.

Now I'll admit that this is just a guess ... but let's say that Nick put 20 hours of planning into this, and ended up at $500 out of pocket due to time, expenses, etc. Then, I know Pete brought up going out of pocket on food. The t-shirts ended up being an expense because at $2 each ... there's no way that's a break-even.

I know this was all about having a killer time, but if every freeride ends up costing the organizers too much money, it's going to be pretty hard keeping them running.

Now no one had any problem spending th $25 to register their skis on the beach, right? Why not run the next at Ponce where there isn't the $25 fee and instead put that towards covering expenses?

( And Nick, I love daytona too ... this is just an idea. ;) )

I know the event was about a bunch of guys and girls hanging out and having a good time riding ... just for the hell of it, but that being said. I think it's pretty bad for Pete to go out of pocket for food, for the shirts to be sold at absolutely no markup at all ...

I just say share the cost ... it's a freeride and all, but the "free" shouldn't come at the expense of a few.

As for the swap-meet idea ... I'm not even really sure how that would work, but I know I'd love to be able to bring a box of parts with me and dump them in a day ... then maybe find something I'd like on site. Yes ... it would suck sitting behind a booth of junk all day, but maybe set something up at night where it's somewhat organized in the hotel at the parking lot?

Everyone opens up their tailgates and dumps their extra stuff ....

I don't know ... just an idea. I mean, Pat was trying to move some stuff from his truck, I know you had parts Paul. Laurel carted out turf for people, Steve brought parts for me ...

Anyway ... I loved the event myself and I was only able to make it on Saturday. I have kids, run a business and I'm only able to make it for day trips most of the time ...


Jr. Magoo's said:
As a rider/sponsor, I get way more in the sport/freeride than anyone could imagine. It's not all about money like most would want to think.
The sport is growing super fast, The life long recognition is far more valuable than some $$$ in the bank. I personaly do stand-up & freerides for the love of it. Helping someone have a great day is a great big THANK YOU!

Not to be overstepping my bounds, but I belive most of the sponsors feel the same. Most were there all weekend to RIDE!! I did a lot of wrenching, but I didn't charge for anyof it, I also sold a bunch of parts, I did that just to keep people riding, I sold everything at really low prices. Profit wasn't my intension.

Yes this was probably the most organised, independent event in history.
The guys who set it up Did it for the "love of the sport"
I belive it should always be that way. Let it grow, but keep it simple!

Again, Nick , Pete, Their wives & others involved..... Well Done!

It was great that Paul was there with his huge inventory of parts. I did some wrenching on several boats Saturday cause I had dam near broke my foot Friday at the inlet and could not ride after that. I saw several skis get fixed for the simple reason the parts were there onsite and for a low price. Hats off to Paul:headbang: I picked up several goodies while there myself. This event was great and I can only say that lets do it again bigger & better. Thanks to all that pulled this together.


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
I think anybody that needs to use a freeride to sell all the junk (read: parts that I can likely buy off eBay) in their garage should take it upon himself to organize the selling/swap where that will occur. I don't see the need for it, but if enough like-minded people wanted it, they could easily make it happen.

Making sure attendees get sponsor catalogs/stickers sounds good.
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