retroicon said:Alright ... I'll shut up then because it doesn't seem like anyone wants to hear it ... actually, screw that.
All I'm trying to say is ... if you want freeride to get to the point that we see X-Games type exposure, someone's going to have to step it up and that's what I'm thinking.
You guy may not know this, but I've been riding since 1994, and raced for over 8 years. I know what the sport was, is, and where it's going. I'm not just some random guy trying to make a buck on this ... what I'm trying to do is get back to the point where we don't keep losing companies like Westcoast, Ocean Pro, PJS, Butch's, R & R Jet Tech, Bad Bones, etc ... and I personally think freeride is more likely to do that than racing.
And, I did put money in the pockets of the guys there. I picked up turf from Laurel on site, and purchased X-Metal products from Steve at Watercraft factory. I also have a pole from pat, steve's hoodkit, etc. That being said ... other than Paul, unless I'm searching I have no damn idea who the other sponsors were ... and it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out when these guys stepped up to make the event what it was.
I also never suggested "sanctioning" the event, I just thought a little more organization to make sure the sponsors get their props would help. Like I said, I shouldn't have to search to find out who they were. I should have a bag of stuff in the garage, catalogs, and stickers to throw on the ski.
Yes ... riders remember, but they won't remember if they don't know who to remember in the first place.
Look, I knew my post wouldn't be popular, and that's alright ... I love riding and have no problem keeping this a garage sport because I never plan on competing again ... but it sure would be nice to see another stand-up somewhere other than the times the guys from PWCtoday, or here plan a get together.
Big stuff is going to hit the sport. Just wait, you will see.
Also thank you for your input. Very much Appreciated. :wink: