Other Deal could have gone bad? Possibility!


Camp Superjet!
Naples, Florida
Well, went and picked up another square nose today over in Miami. The best thing is, he said he would meet me at a business. Gave me the business address and we went from there, he said it was a landscaping company... So i was cool with it thinking it was a retail place. The GPS takes us to a residential area and I am looking at the GPS like where the hell are we? Finally about 3 minutes go buy and the nicest Escalade truck goes buy with big ole' rims and the guy inside says, "Hey you going to (name)'s, follow me!" So I followed him into this place with landscape stuff and all. I pull in and it looks like a cover for a grow house. Major one! They have big bins with air controllers on top and electricity to every one. He had one opened, but it had another jet ski in it.

I pull around the bins and some of the trees that were blocking the bins and there the ski was and it looked nice, compression was good, ski ran great and idled good. Front nose, looked to be reinforced, don't know where the intake grate went but whatever.

So... I was like ok man you got the title, im going to go grab my money. Meanwhile my girlfriend, my co-pilot, was over with him and his buddy and apparently he reached his hands up to stretch and she said he had a 9mm gun. No bullsh!t. So she keeps talking for a few seconds then heads over and tells me that I am buying this ski, no matter what. Give him the cash and lets go. I gave him the money, he seemed to be a great guy before and after I gave him the $$$. Gave me a bunch of extra parts and what not, but man what the hell!!!! I know living in Miami can be shady at sometimes but thats nuts!

Close call? Or do you think that is the normal thing to carry a gun all the time in whatever area we were in??

I wonder what would have happend if it had something like low compression or anything, and I said I wasn't interested?

This is by far the most dangerous encounter with jet ski buying I have had.... lol


I had a guy packing heat in rural Pa when I went to look at a ski with my dad. He had a garage full of toys, and I was looking at the two 550s he was selling.

More people carry than you think lol
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I always do, 9mm in the truck and knife flose by. especially when i have more then 500$ or on a trip. People are DESPERATE, dont think for a second your life is worth more then the money he is about to rob you for. I have a 9 at work usually under the counter, I may give them the cash but they better not turn there back as they walk out.


I had a deal go bad in Spanish Harlem about 15 years ago. All 5 of the guys had guns and didnt give me what I wanted but they took my money, my jacket and my car stereo. Felt like I got mugged.

cambo au

funny how that story makes me go wow
you have to have a licence over here and would be very rare to even see one let alone a guy carrying one hell pellet guns are illegal here and you guys sell them in your local stores
funny how that story makes me go wow
you have to have a licence over here and would be very rare to even see one let alone a guy carrying one hell pellet guns are illegal here and you guys sell them in your local stores

Serious business? Not only are the legal, children get them for Christmas and are encouraged to shoot stuff!


Greenville, SC
I carry a .45 on me all the time, Concealed Weapons Permits aren't as rare as you would think. I can carry in 35 states including florida. The only places I go where I leave it in my car are bars/resturaunts that serve alchohal, or there is a sign on the door saying no concealed weapons. Everything else but gov buildings are fair game to concealed carry.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I take my 45 along a lot (have CCW permit)
doesnt mean I am shady- jut dont want to get robbed or ripped
I carry about 50-60% of the time... (CCW) so that's not strange, but brandishing it is highly illegal... I don't care if you are stretching, no one is suppose to see it. Seems like that was a intimidation at it's best. As far as grow houses... if he brought you to a grow house to do a deal he is beyond stupid... Most people are very hush hush about that kind of activity and they don't hang out at their grow houses....
I carry a .45 on me all the time, Concealed Weapons Permits aren't as rare as you would think. I can carry in 35 states including florida. The only places I go where I leave it in my car are bars/resturaunts that serve alchohal, or there is a sign on the door saying no concealed weapons. Everything else but gov buildings are fair game to concealed carry.

....and you got to love that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel safer knowing I have REAL protection against some freak..


toronto canada
life is stressful, buying a ski should not be,always do a compression test ,look it over take your time no rushing get to feel the owner out. who owned the ski before is the most improtant thing about buying something used.if the escalade had hip hop playing i would have left right away, good luck with the ski maybe see the gangsta ski at daytona?


Need to save my money!!
Long Island
funny how that story makes me go wow
you have to have a licence over here and would be very rare to even see one let alone a guy carrying one hell pellet guns are illegal here and you guys sell them in your local stores

i'm from long island, and if you even carry a gun into one of the five boroughs without living there you get min 3.5 years....as seen via Plaxico Dumbass.

Gun laws are super strict up where I'm from. I work in Brooklyn, and was considering getting one for when I go into the slums, but they wouldn't let me even if I wanted to.
i have a CCW and carry about 1-2 times a year. But if i was buying a ski or selling a ski to someone i did not know i would be carrying my .45
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