Quick update....made some progress tonight..
:beerchug:drilled holes and installed pole bracket (pic3)

ainted and installed motor mounts (pic2)
:beerchug:intalled fresh steering cable (pic2)
:beerchug:starter installed
:beerchug:front and rear hook drilled and installed (pic 1 w/giant waterbox in background)
:beerchug:did some work on the engine and found a bunch of rocks seriously jammed into the water fitting on the head...no wonder my ski was barely spitting. I had to bust them up to get them out. Seastrainer coming up. (pic5)
I wanted to put the pump in, but is the impeller supposed to move 1/8th of an inch up and down??? I just screwed it on and it didn't seem right so I am holding off until I get an answer. Forgot to order new styrofoam for the front of my hull. I'll get word on that in the morning....