Freestyle Do you guys want to scale your skis at wave daze?

Do you guys want to scale your skis at wave daze?

We have a hanging scale and harness that grabs the rails. I was thinking about bring a stand so if people wants to scale their skis they could. I would just set it up in the front of the hotel where The Rad Dudes are always setup.
What do you think?
Now what about a betting pool to go with the scale. Everyone pitches in 5 bucks to get weighed and bet on lowest or highest weight. One dollar tickets for peeps in the crowd for a guess. Give out a bunch of donated items like grips cloves stickers, grab bag goodies. Just an idea this may be a can of worms or a good way to generate a little moola for a good cause.

Sorry just rambling on......
Now what about a betting pool to go with the scale. Everyone pitches in 5 bucks to get weighed and bet on lowest or highest weight. One dollar tickets for peeps in the crowd for a guess. Give out a bunch of donated items like grips cloves stickers, grab bag goodies. Just an idea this may be a can of worms or a good way to generate a little moola for a good cause.

Sorry just rambling on......
I like that. Do a lightest and fat boy prize.
I meant to get this done in Daytona but Im a slacker, had to dip out a little early on sunday. I would definitely like to see the wieght on my ski, thought about buying my own scale but not sure I can spare the cost right now just to see a number!

All I know is that its heavy!
320lbs will still be cool with me. My sxr feels like it will weigh in at 500 in comparison..... So I'll be fine w/ 320 ;)
It dosent really matter what it weighs in at as I would like to know weight for loading purposes. I don't even know if it's really a 69 lbs hull, but that is what the paper work states. It feels like my 550 but I know its not that light
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