It pops off clean and everything is new. It loads up when tilted on the right side and runs lean when tilted on the left.have a look at your pivot arm make sure its not worn or lose on the pin
this sometimes does this as well when it shakes
make sure its poping off clean as well
Yes very shocking the throttle response is now remarkable with the stuffers removed. :bigeyes: :bigeyes: :bigeyes:
Katie was on mine and I was on hers and she wouldn't give it back. I will have to hide the keys now.:biggthumpup:
Thanks again.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Nope just looks like I will be sending that spare you have in the garage out for some porting and replace it with the motor in my ski. I can't even ride my ski after riding yours-its like driving a mercades than having to get back in a yugo.
Alright, I'm pretty happy with mine now, but think there is more left in them.
Lehr Performance 760, ADA head with pump gas domes
B mod
oem 44's
Riva spacer plate
oem reed cages with Boyesen pro dual stage
MSD enhancer
mild case porting
My current jetting is 2.5/80, 115L/100H, low screws around 7/8, high screws around 1/2.
I'm wondering if I need to pull the spacer plate out.
That sure sounds like VERY low popoff. I would think you'd have muddy response. I don't know what those normally run, but I ran 2.0/95 w/blackjack 44's. Have you tried higher popoff?
FWIW, I run 44's - and they definetely like higher popoff better than lower popoff.