Dual 44 Mikuni observations

freestylegeek said:
I have NEVER checked that!!!
I will look tonight.

Wow, that would be sweeeeeeet if that was the issue.

holy freaking crap i've never checked that either, and my diaphram plates DO rub on my exhaust. i'm gonna have to get out the drill tomorrow.


I did that years ago and have done it to all my carbs since. Mainly to prevent water from getting locked in there. Be sure to de burr the holes you drill, you dont want to rip a diaphram!


( o Y o )
Are you all putting a second hole or making the one there already bigger? Right now I have a block of wood to hold the hose off the carbs. very ghetto but it was the 5 second fix.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Mine is at the top i cant see it making a difference its only an air vent
i drilled the hole
then got a real big drill and runit in the hole to take the sharp edges off
dont let it go throigh other wise you will need to buy a new plate


Katie's Boss
100% one place

Keeping this thread alive.

Here is what I have at this time. 125 high 115 low 2.0 ns 95 gram spring. I am still getting a hesitation when I nail the throttle. After a stab or if the ski lies on its side it bogs down and takes a second to clear out. I have to hold the throttle wide open. I think my next step is to try a 115 gram spring and possibly go down to 110 on low. I have also unhooked the primer just to rule that out.

62T Magoo port
B pipe
Duel 44’s



wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Hang on you are saying you get a hesitation in the low side and your going to pull more fuel out of it to get rid of it
are you sure you want to do that


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Not sure of anything at this point. I have been all over the map with these jets and have not been able to cure this hesitation or loading up after a trick.




New York Crew
Western New York
Wax, maybe I could pick your brain a little here too... just looking for a new starting point.

I have to pull my carbs tonight to see what size jets, popoff etc I have in them, but here is my setup and problem:

mild ported 701cc 62t cylinder
64x t'd & w'd crank in 62t cases
ADA girlded head w/37cc domes
Type 4 FPP dry pipe
solas 14.5/18
carbs - twin 44mm minkuni red tops

super mad top end, crappy bottom end. She does not feel like she's lean or loading up on bottom end, just that there's nothing there for a few seconds, then all of the sudden i get a huge burst of accelleration. I mean, she doesn't just sit there at bottom end, but there is no snap, no quick accelleration from the start... it takes a few seconds to kick in.

I've been messing with the low speed adjuster screws for several tanks of gas now, and have made it worse and better, but not where is should be... not even close!

The ported cylinder came from ebay (adrenaline racing did the porting). Any thoughts about this... maybe the port job was not good?

Like I said, I'm going to pull the carbs tonight and see what size jets etc I have in there, as I can't remember from when I built the motor over the winter.

But I am just looking to get a decent starting point and then I can go from there. I'll post tomorrow the current carb set up specs...

BTW, these carbs came off another superjet running a 701 motor with this dry pipe on it, and it ran awesome... which is why i never bothered to change any of the jetting.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
yes that will be fine make sure you are using a pop off pressure gauge other wise we are just blowing in the wind

they are an anular discharge carb right ??

It would depend on the porting alot this could be making it sluggish down low

are you running water injection ??
what bore size do you have because 37cc domes will make for a very low compression and this in itself could be the reason you are slugish down low

let me know what jets are in it when you find out
also a comp check as i suspect its very low
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